I was hoping it was dill. When I chew the first one and put it on my tongue it tastes almost tart. I'm not sure if that is what it is or not though. It is about 1-2 inches higher but looks the same still since I took these pictures. At first I thought these were pine tree sprouts.
The others I had not put in my mouth. Also it had tiny white flowers
I'm almost positive that the first photo is of a pine or spruce or even a cedar seedling. They only start to differentiate themselves in the second year. None of which are poisonous.
The second looks like it could be dill or any other one of those look-a-likes. Some of which could be poisonous if eaten in quantity. I find it better to crush and smell before putting anything unknown in my mouth.
We cannot change the waves of expansion and contraction, as their scale is beyond human control, but we can learn to surf. Nicole Foss @ The Automatic Earth
The one that could be poisonous, I have crushed it and it jus smelled green. But I've also read if they are not growing in the right soil then they may not smell or taste. Even if it is poisonous, I wish I knew what it was in case it has medicinal uses.
Thanks to everyone who has helped out so far and to the future posters who offer me helpful hints and tips
The last picture looks like Field Horsetail, but there isn't enough detail in the photo to be certain. No idea what the plant in the first two pictures may be.
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