So about a year ago I found my
permaculture Paradise! So I managed to get a decent herd of goats going on I have goats in
milk right now. we also have
chickens and ducks the ducks are still laying eggs. our gardens weren't quite as thriving as they could have been last year but we're hoping for bigger and better gardens this spring and summer. These are fully off-grid communities so be prepared to truck in
water and use
solar like I do. this will actually not be a
land share but I couldn't find a real estate form on here. Each four too five acre parcel is merely a couple of hundred up to 300 or so a month. there are few places that already have cabins built on them but the process of making your own home on your own homestead is so rewarding you might as well go the more ecological and economical route. I'm not on here too often anymore because of how much time I'm spending getting dirt on my hands and doing yoga in the creek and playing with my baby goats I suppose. feel free to PM me for more information or just click on the link below and it will take you to many of the properties that are available for
permaculture purposes right now.