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Paul Wheaton talks to
Sepp Holzer through a translator, Dr. Immo Fiebrig (author of a German permaculture book). Sepp has a new book (in German at the moment), but will be translated by Maddy Harland's team at
Permaculture Magazine soon. It translates to "
Desert or Paradise." Sepp thinks highly of Maddy and her relationship with nature. They talk about alternatives to conventional hydro dams. He works in cooperation with nature to create large and small-scale retention spaces. He talks about the importance of being able to read and be in relationship with nature, rather than just theorize about it. Theorizing without active practice of relationship is the main problem of our times. Sepp expresses his frustration with greedy political and economic decisions. Sepp receives the
energy he needs to stand up for himself from nature. Sepp talks about the environmental insanity the government is pushing in Austria. There is a river there that is to be put in a pipe, that cannot be used at all by homesteaders. (english) is a site in which you can speak up about it. Americans may have a greater influence here than Austrians. Sepp thanks the tribal peoples at Flathead Lake for their support. Sepp suggests putting yourself in the shoes of another (human, plant, animal) and guiding them rather than fighting them. Sepp says when you align with nature, the perfection of creation gives you the security you need to live fearlessly.
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