Im doing small dams right now to soak water for
trees, 4 medium sized and 3 small ones. When it rained in the first finished dam, it was very exciting. It collected 4-5' of water. The growth lasted months too. Starting swales soon, because im linking them to the dams. Thinking of the best way, amount and locations to do them, due to a wash that runs thru (reason i got the lot). At the highest points, the top 1-2' of lot is on a 2-3' limecrete shelf basically. Not sure if water infiltrates it or sits on top of it? the exposed sides look like asphalt, unexposed like
concrete.( could moisture seep downward on limecrete shelf towards the wash, then evap as lime is exposed?) I think
swale before lime is exposed to cover with soil from swale and continue moisture seepage down the hill towards wash. I had a few unfinished swales from making dam and the growth was really good by one of them. Swales definitely work. Get the fencing up, because the animals come kind of quick