paul wheaton wrote:
Keep mowing high.
I would wait them out. But I am super patient.
You could try the vinegar trick - I've never tried it.
Hmmmm .... I wonder what a soil test would say. It might give you some info where something easy might give your grass a bit more edge.
As for alfalfa based fertilizers. I'm generally in favor although I am concerned about how it might burn the grass. I like the ringer stuff because it is a very slow release product. Alfalfa stuff also tends to repel water in a weird way.
But if you get it for free, then that trumps the ringer stuff.
I've been battling these d'lions for several years. My lawn is 10 years old. I don't have hardly any in the middle of my lawn, only on the edges. I've been following your advice since 2006 or so and have never used chemical fertilizer on this lawn, out of concerns for my dogs. I have been using
chicken manure based fertilizer. I have used Ringer before as well. I have always mulched when I mow except I was mowing lower (about 2 1/2 inches) until I read your article.
I think I will get a soil test to see what the ph is at edges. Maybe my trimming the edges too low is part of the problem.
I can't get the Alfa One fertizer for free but it is getting
alot of press lately here, saying it's specially formulated for Colorado. The same place that sells Ringer also sells it so I was wondering if it was good. The bag says it doesn't burn. I will probably go with the Ringer this year instead of the Richlawn Pro-Rich
chicken manure based fert I've been using the last couple of years.