As usual for each coming season, I absolutely am not going overboard with plants ideas.
This year for instance, I only have about 60
medicinal plants that can go in the garden. Obviously, some of them are already OK, but as I'm planning things and learning, I have a few questions.
I plan to have quite a few medicinal
roots, and I'm wondering how many of them actually REQUIRE a specific amount of time before harvest to be used. What I mean by this is that I see recommendation to get Echinacea roots that are three years old, licorice that has three years...
I know that some plants are best harvested at specific time, as it's when their medicinal content is highest (Salvia milthiorriza for instance, seem to be much better when harvest in the fall of the first year, AND require a specific drying procedure for optimal medicinal content). But for others, it seems that it's only a matter of
root (and so, harvest) size. For instance, I grew ashwagandhas this year, and most of them are one year old; still got about 60g (not dried) for my first one; it seems that they are harvested after the second year but more for the bigger roots.
Most of the roots I plan to grow are:
AstragalusLicoriceValerianMarshmallowRudbeckia hirtaRhodiola roseaEchinacea (both purpurea and angustifolia)CodonopsisEleutheroChinese SkullcapCeanothus americanus (Red root)Nandina domesticaBerberis Vulgaris
If I'm not mistaken, it
should be all of them (the others are annuals). Does any of these plant require a specific time before being harvested, in term of if I harvest them too soon, they just won't work ? Or the amount of root will be ridiculous ?
I plan to use those plants to make either tincture, powder, teas... obviously the less root I have, the more I'll make medicine that don't require a lot of resources.
Thanks !