1. my projects
Jeanine Gurley Jacildone wrote: Personally I believe that we are so scared when we get some sort of diagnosis from modern doctors that we feel me must go along with modern treatments or die.
"Our ability to change the face of the earth increases at a faster rate than our ability to foresee the consequences of that change"
- L.Charles Birch
My Herbal Tea Store (CA)
List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
"Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books." ~ William A. Albrecht
I definitely agree. I do tend to suggest to people who have cancer, or those who are recovering from cancer to research Chaga, and other fungi like Turkey Tails, which are on the leading edge of modern and alternative cancer research. I brew birch chaga (inonotos Obliquus) regularly as a preventative. I brew it on top of my woodstove for extended periods, and take a thermos of it to work with me. Diet is super important, but so is environmental toxicity. I work in a toxic environment (welding manganese), and thus know that my skin is exposed to higher levels of this metal then it should be.Lately there has been a glut of touting "Super Foods" resulting in many people going overboard on these foods to the point of neglecting other foods, this is not the way to go either.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Hamilton Trimm wrote:It's a bold statement
Roberto pokachinni wrote:
Diet is super important, but so is environmental toxicity. I work in a toxic environment (welding manganese), and thus know that my skin is exposed to higher levels of this metal then it should be.
As you know Roberto, I was a welder too and I think in my case all the x-ray welding I did resulted in my cancer. I have no way to confirm or deny this, but I truly believe that was the case.
List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
Michael Cox wrote:
The plural of anecdote is not evidence.
'What we do now echoes in eternity.' Marcus Aurelius
How Permies Works Dr. Redhawk's Epic Soil Series
List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
that reminds me, I have a friend who is having success curing skin cancer on his nose using this oil.marijuana. CBD oil's are very potent
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Bryant RedHawk wrote:I agree Travis, this is one of those things that until you are part of the group, you really have no clue and you never will have.
I have squamous cell carcinoma, my wife has gone through the first part of colon cancer, she is now on round two since the operation to save her life didn't get every cell.
Those who have the disease have a different knowledge than anyone else, including the care giver/ loved ones closest to the patient, who have a knowledge also unknown to those who aren't going through it.
Joylynn Hardesty wrote:
Yet, to look at things another way, what is a scientific study, but a collection of anecdotal experiences? Pharma use these all the time to sell their products.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
bob day wrote:It seems quite interesting to me that so little is known in the general community about the actual science studying all these "untested" alternatives.
With every disease from heart attacks to cancer the research is out there for just about every alternative there is.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
While I am all for the scientific method, bring it on, there is a lot to be said for centuries old techniques that have proven time and again to be effective in traditional cultures. They might not go about 'studying' and using very structured controls, but the proof is in the pudding. The pudding of modern pharma on the other hand, does not have such a sense of texture or structure, or subtlety of flavor; at least not in North America. It seems that the U.K.s system is a lot better. The problem here is that the corporate agenda not only hijacked the system, they stole the funding model as well; and it is only just recently that any alternative therapy was given even the chance at a green light for experiments. The entire focus was on a better life through chemistry.
"Pharma use these all the time to sell their products." - Yep, and the fact that they do so is appalling. They appeal to the hopes and fears of the vulnerable. But that is my exact same complaint about people who push alternative remedies, and they frequently have less evidence or justification. Evidence based medicine should be the gold standard in modern society.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Wow, Travis, I'm sorry to hear that. Best of luck to you, and to Redhawk as well. Wishing you both whole healthy long lives with your loved ones.am sorry to hear of your cancer situation Redhawk. I know we have always made a pretty formidable team on Permies (in my opinion anyway) because of our fellow Indian heritage and understanding of farming. Sadly, last night my Endocrinologist called me and instructed me to contact my regular Dr immediately; it appears the cancer has moved to my liver. It is not necessarily a death sentence for me; but the plot definitely thickens
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Roberto pokachinni wrote:
While I am all for the scientific method, bring it on, there is a lot to be said for centuries old techniques that have proven time and again to be effective in traditional cultures. They might not go about 'studying' and using very structured controls, but the proof is in the pudding.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
I am sorry to hear of your cancer situation Redhawk. I know we have always made a pretty formidable team on Permies (in my opinion anyway) because of our fellow Indian heritage and understanding of farming. Sadly, last night my Endocrinologist called me and instructed me to contact my regular Dr immediately; it appears the cancer has moved to my liver. It is not necessarily a death sentence for me; but the plot definitely thickens.
bob day wrote:SThe surgeon simply grabbed it and twisted and pulled the golf ball away and the poultices continued till the woman was asymptomatic.
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
I"m not saying, nor did I say, that just because it's old that that equates to it being effective. I'm saying that traditional tribal cultures have healthy cultures; far healthier than our modern culture, and that has a lot to do with medicines that work, food that is healthy, and cultures that are self enhancing. There is a reason that wild, organic local food, good exercise, alternative therapies, and stress free cultural memes are on the rise, and it's not because the medical industry decided that was the way that we were going to be healthier, it's because that is the direction that will lead us back to health, and we intuitively know this. because our genetic cellular memories are resonating from a hundred thousand years of living this way, and not by chemical medicine and stressed out living. The better life through chemistry approach has failed to yield the results, despite the many billions invested. Sure it cures some things but usually with a cost of extreme side effects or long term unknowns. Look at the massive amount of malpractice and corruption (and I'm sure that their are plenty of examples in the U.K as well). The amount of deaths due to misdiagnoses, improper medications, and general apathy toward real preventative medicine toward wholistic health is astounding in the medical industry. The modern medical establishment is out scouting for medicines, but they want to take coca and make cocaine, the want to take poppies and make heroin, they want to take cannabis and make cannibinol pills. They isolate only what they deem is the most potent thing in something, whereas the plant itself has all the balance to offer the patient. They will find what they are seeking, but they will not find what they should be looking for. If they were really interested in gaining medicinal knowledge then they would be at the forefront of stopping the felling of virgin forests and the assimilation of indigenous peoples globally.and we are back to "anecdote vrs evidence". Just because a technique is old doesn't mean it is effective. Bloodletting was used for centuries to treat almost everything.
They can scout all they want, but if people don't want them to know what medicines they are using then the scouts will find nothing. And they have every reason to not give up their medicines to the global machine. Our history has not been kind to these medicine people.The medical industry is always scouting for new potential treatments and most of the "traditional" medicines have been pretty thoroughly tested and evaluated.
This I can agree with, which brings me back to my first statement at the top of this post....As far as traditional medicines being effective, or not - if they are effective then their impact will be measurable in controlled trials.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
It doesn't take a conspiracy to create an highly profitable industry from a virtual monopoly. The fact that the public has chosen to go the herbal medicine/nutrition route, despite the advertising budgets of Big Pharma and Industrial food/Big Ag and the intense regulatory processes involved in putting herbs and organic food on the market, should be testament enough to show that we are craving a different system.I don't think there is a conspiracy out there against herbal remedies and good nutrition per se...
But as a person who is prone to infection, it was disheartening to hear even Phiizzer has stopped research on antibiotics because it does not pay enough. In their own words they want people to rely on medication for life
The prophets of profit will create self fulfilling prophecies for profiting the prophets themselves. Unfortunately a big chunk of what is making the economic world turn is involved in this sort of unethical business. It's a juggernaut heading toward a cliff, but... c'est la vie. It's not a conspiracy, but that doesn't mean that it is not contrived. This is possibly out of ignorance of the true alternatives and not malicious/evil. The pursuit of profit is not evil in itself---it's when the profit is at the extreme expense of others that it becomes a social consequence worth investigating and potentially culling.To not look for anything beyond that because it does not pay is scary and shows the heart of drug companies.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
That's a rats nest of issues and confusion in itself. The treating of symptoms rather than focusing on the source problems is a profit model, not a way to go about solving anything. The primary method of modern medicine in to kill to cure. Kill the bacteria, kill the fungi, kill the virus, kill the cancer. The problem with that model is that it does more than kill what it is intended to kill; the collateral damage is huge. Nourishment, and medicines which support and boost toward the fully functioning organ, glandular, and cellular systems within the body, do the opposite; they create a holistic network that does not allow for disease to be present. Cancers often shrink and do not return. Sometimes they need to be removed first.First off you will find a mandate by the A.M.A that requires all doctors to treat the symptoms instead of a cure.
I wish I knew of another one that would be guaranteed for you, Travis. Here is a topical example (before the advent of the superbug epidemics) that may be helpful and certain would do no harm (unless you are particularly sensitive to the plants). During the second world war when they ran out of penicilin and wound dressings they used diluted garlic juice (a powerful antibiotic) and sphagnum moss (predominantly sterile and highly acidic and enormously absorbent) with zero incidence of continuing sepsis reported.This is disturbing because I had a burn that was a MRSA infection and I went all the way to the end of the antibiotic train to save my life. If clydomyicin had not worked, I would be dead. It is that simple.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
True enough, Bryant. Sometimes it's hard to differentiate between the two at first glance, at least where I grow myself up.a physician is taught in med school to treat the symptoms of the patient, thus having a return customer which ends up making the physician more and more money through insurance filings and add on fees.
A doctor want's to be able to heal their patient so they are actually well and might not need to come back except for when some new issue comes up.
A doctor will be willing to try any and every thing for the benefit of their patient, a physician will stick to what the AMA approves.
I look for doctors and shy away from physicians.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
Bryant RedHawk wrote:Many of the "supplement" companies have been found to be marketing products that when tested in labs don't contain any of the active ingredients their labels state are there.
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
List of Bryant RedHawk's Epic Soil Series Threads We love visitors, that's why we live in a secluded cabin deep in the woods. "Buzzard's Roost (Asnikiye Heca) Farm." Promoting permaculture to save our planet.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
That new kid is a freak. Show him this tiny ad:
Wild Homesteading - Work with nature to grow food and start/build your homestead