tiffany thrasher wrote:hey, so here's a kind of gross/weird/not cool topic..
i get some wicked bad herpes outbreaks, especially on my lips and now onto my face, usually from eating way too much protein (in the form of faux vegan meats or peanuts or walnuts), or getting a sunburn, or being somewhere windy (snowboarding and surfing do not help)..
shiitake i know work really well to help stop the virus from replicating.. so does the lemon balm tincture i make..
also, this stuff is pure gold, and when i drink a cup of it right when i feel an outbreak coming on, it stops it literally within like 4 hours.. http://www.iherb.com/Eclectic-Institute-Mushroom-Immune-Espresso-Pow-der-2-5-oz-72-g/40087
the problem is, it seems like they don't make it anymore, i can only find it online, and it is ridiculously expensive if i can find it in a store.. i want to make it myself!
i've also heard that "gypsy mushroom" can be really helpful, but i've never seen them available in any store, and most people i've talked to have no idea what im talking about.. mushroom expert tells me it is Cortinarius caperatus http://www.mushroomexpert.com/cortinarius_caperatus.html
any other input on any mushrooms that can stop this horrible little beast?
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends. http://www.permies.com/t/50938/singles/Male-Edinburgh-Scotland-seeks-soulmate
France Zone 7a 1025mm rain, 1900 sunshine hours.
Neil Layton wrote: I ended up in a pointless argument once with someone who told me she gave homeopathic "medicine" to her dog, the dog got better, therefore homeopathy works. I just couldn't get it through to her that this was illogical. This is what comes of not including critical thinking as part of core school curricula.
Rus Williams wrote:Tiffany, I've found that my trigger for a coldsore outbreak on my lips is doing too much, to long for too many other people. In effect overwork.
I'll watch out for the protein trigger though, I never thought of that.
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
It's time to get positive about negative thinking -Art Donnelly
John Elliott wrote:Specifically Phyllanthus urinaria. There is quite a bit of research showing that this humble weed is active against herpes simplex virus.
And your request comes at a propitious time, as chamber bitter, mimosaweed, chanca piedra, or whatever you like to call it is just starting to pop up in my garden. Soon I will be harvesting buckets of it, and if you would like to try some, you can send me a PM with your address. It doesn't have much taste to it, but mixed in with chamomile and lemongrass, it makes a nice herb tea.
John Weiland wrote:don't know if you like nutritional yeast flakes....but note the near double mass amount of lysine to arginine. (On a "per molecule basis", there may actually be more than double the lysine to argine ratio in this mixture.) I haven't had nearly the same number and severity of outbreaks as in earlier years, but it would be difficult to sift out whether that was due to reduced stress, changed diet, the lysine regime, or the discovery of a ninth planet in the solar system
tiffany thrasher wrote: Do you think this plant will grow in the central CA coast since it looks like it is a tropical plant?... (maybe just in the summer I'm guessing, but since it's an annual that's all it would really do anyways
How do you prepare it, just make a tea w/ it? Do you think it would work as a tincture? I like tinctures since I can make a bunch all at once and then have it available for months..
John Elliott wrote:
I sent some seeds to another Permie in the Los Angeles area. It's definitely hot enough to grow in CA; it's the water that would be the problem. Phyllanthus has lots of shallow roots, and it doesn't like being dried out. On the other hand, it is quite a vigorous weed in a well watered lawn.
tiffany thrasher wrote:
Neil Layton wrote: I ended up in a pointless argument once with someone who told me she gave homeopathic "medicine" to her dog, the dog got better, therefore homeopathy works. I just couldn't get it through to her that this was illogical. This is what comes of not including critical thinking as part of core school curricula.
lol. homeopathy would be the most hilarious scam on earth if it wasn't for all the harm it does (eating essentially incredibly expensive water is never going to heal anything except by the placebo effect)
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
Sitting in a garden and doing nothing is high art everywhere. - Mike Garofalo
It's time to get positive about negative thinking -Art Donnelly
Xander Vaughn wrote:This isn't exactly what you asked for but I have had great luck with taking Red Marine Algae daily to prevent them. A prescription drug I am on causes horrible outbreaks nearly constantly if I don't take it. Lysine was only effective for me for a short period of time then I was right back to nearly constantly having issues. A lady in a health food store recommended I try Red Marine Algae about 5 years ago and I rarely have outbreaks now.
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends. http://www.permies.com/t/50938/singles/Male-Edinburgh-Scotland-seeks-soulmate
Xander Vaughn wrote:Neil, I guess it is a good thing I am not a doctor and didn't say take this it will for sure work for you. I understand what you are saying but I see no harm in telling of my personal experiences and allowing the person to make their own decisions. I am assuming we are all adults here and are capable of doing that. It sounds like you have a real gift for looking up or knowing scientific knowledge which is commendable and I applaud you for what seems like an immense knowledge base.
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends. http://www.permies.com/t/50938/singles/Male-Edinburgh-Scotland-seeks-soulmate
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
Hi, I'm looking for land in nj or nearby that's not too close to sea level. Excludes almost everything south of rt 70. 2 acres and up. If you know if anything please send me pm. Thanks
Stu Horton wrote:First, I just want to repeat something John clem said b/c I think it's very important. The active ingredients in mushrooms aren't completely accessible if the mushroom isn't "cooked." I'm not sure what temperature or methods are ideal but it's worth looking into for your purposes.
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends. http://www.permies.com/t/50938/singles/Male-Edinburgh-Scotland-seeks-soulmate
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
Hi, I'm looking for land in nj or nearby that's not too close to sea level. Excludes almost everything south of rt 70. 2 acres and up. If you know if anything please send me pm. Thanks
My Food Forest - Mile elevation. Zone 6a. Southern Idaho <--I moved in year two...unfinished...probably has cattle on it.
It's time to get positive about negative thinking -Art Donnelly
Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. Check the tiny ad.
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies