Good day!
I visited numerous "eco-projects" and homesteaders...numerous of whom were looking for residents, people, community. As Mollison points out it the people that power the change and create the progress from a forest to "food" forest.
After all planting the plants and tending the animals to benefit people and the Earth is task for community NOT individual homesteaders, lest they relies on robots of sorts. People in large community creating more of the work force naturally, human-scale living, endless if done with respect to laws of nature as
permaculture seeks to know and work within.
SO if you are in the CottonWood, AZ area come meet up and build community with us. You don't need a green thumb, just bring yourself and a notebook and pen or pencil. Bring something to share if you'd like. Yet most importantly bring a friend OR BETTER yet bring 3 friends and family members each!!!
here is some more info on the community event where ALL types of people are welcome with no restrictions!! The MORE DIVERSITY the Better ...just like in
Join us at the "Cottonwood Recreation Center" 150 S 6th St, Cottonwood, AZ. December 16th(6pm) 17th(6pm) 18th(6pm). 3 days!