My goal as a teen was to build my own house. I learned everything I could about passive
solar home design and natural building techniques (green building) when I was on the Board of Directors for the El Paso
Solar Energy Association back in the late 80s and 90s and early 2000's (I eventually became VP and President--within a few years after I left the nonprofit went defunct... too bad). What I learned was invaluable!
I've written a book some of you might be interested in checking out. You can "Look Inside" the cover and read some of my green building design book for free. I go into all types of green products and what green building is. This is a primer for beginners but is fairly comprehensive so check out the Table of Contents too.
DIY: How to Design Your Own Energy Efficient Green Home:
Construction Alternatives and Sample Passive Solar Straw Bale House
Please tell me what you think!