We live in the rainforest near the equator at a slight elevation. So this is the humid tropics.
I want to learn more about raising
cattle, silvopasture, protecting young
trees that are scattered all throughout the paddocks, etc, etc. For the past two years, we have been reforesting ten hectares of former cattle pasture. Many trees are still young, and will require protection, they have been planted densely everywhere, so it is not possible to
fence off alleyways. It is pretty common for people here to raise criollo cattle for
beef here, and I'm attracted by the fact that most of our neighbors only have to come out to check on their animals about once a week. Sounds way easier than raising
chickens or ducks. Lots of people here raise cattle, so it's obviously good to speak with them. What questions
should I ask these experienced ranchers? They don't try to plant trees in their pastures, so they might not know about that, but I'm sure most other questions are fair game.
What are good youtube channels, pdf
books or any other good resources for learning? How big of a factor is our climate? Are their special breeds you'd recommend? I want something on the smaller side so it will be less likely to damage the establishing forest. However, there are not any miniature breeds available in Peru. The typical criollo cows here seem like they might be best as they are adapted to the region, and don't seem like they get too huge.