$1.00/pack of 10 seeds of freshly harvested heirloom, o/p, and a couple of dehybridized (in the process) varieties of tomato seed adapting to the western mountains of North Carolina z6b-7a
message me with varieties you want to buy or trade. I'm not trying to make a lot of money doing this, just a little to support my habit. I really love everything about growing, trying new varieties, looking for that tomato my Granny used to make me sandwiches with, and sharing!
Standard varieties
Tommy Toe, San Marzano (regular and redorta), Abraham Lincoln, Marion, Creole, Rio, Paul Robeson, Bloody Butcher, Big Rainbow, Gold Medal, KBX, Carorich, Heinz,
Striped Cavern, Yellow Currant, Black Cherry, Sioux, Gold Nugget, Prudens Purple,
Rose de Berne, Brown Berry, Aunt Mollies ground cherry, Galina, Anna Russian,
Pineapple, Fakel, Legend, Indigo Rose
Locally named varieties (famous at one time and I've lost the name, a friend has given me, or something that has sprung up and I've saved the seed cause they're that good)
Large Yellow from Ellen - just a really big yellow - btw Ellen forgot the name I didn't
Mini Cherokee Purple - looks like a cherry cherokee purple
Lynns Pink - small pink and yellow - got this one from Ellen too she got it from Lynn
LSD - Lorries Sprawling Delicious - scrumptious red currant we found 4 or 5 years ago growing by the back porch 10 or so in a salad is perfect
Mamas BFG - Big Fat Grape
Bulls Cod - From my neighbor looks to be just a paste tomato he's been growing for some time he uses for canning
For the the more adventuresome (varieties that are in an ongoing yearly process of being unhybridized - basically saving the seed from a hybrid and replanting a great number the next year (F1) then saving the seed of the offspring closest to the original (F2) and planting the following year, then saving the seed closest to the original (F3) and so on.) Not purely scientific but lots of fun. It'll be a few more years, but one day, maybe I'll get a stable strain. The names have been changed to ones close
enough and not to infringe on anybody.
Biggie Boy (F1) That really nice beefsteak, just found a couple of plants this year
Celeb (F3)
Compary (F3) Not all trusses yet and different sizes, all tasted excellent, but I'm only saving the seed of the ones that truss
list can be seen here also