Brand new
course coming in October 2022 with Gord Baird
Compost toilets are beginning to make their way into regulations and standards in North America, being used in award winning commercial buildings to remote cabins.
What determines the type of toilet that is best suited for the usage?
How does one get the approval to install one?
What's involved in maintaining it?
The course objectives include developing a comprehensive understanding of the application of composting toilets within the multiple contexts of health and safety, regulations, appropriate toilet systems for varying applications and how to navigate the
sustainability goals associated with these systems within the constraints that exist in our culture.
By the end of the course you'll have a solid foundation and great references to build your own system, work with a designer to create a system, or better understand the critical aspects from a health and safety perspective if you are a regulator. More subtly you will learn the benefits and potential pitfalls, tricks and tips in design and maintaining systems.
Instructor Bio
Gord Baird’s background and experiences stem from building the Eco-Sense homestead, a Living Building Challenge
project that includes net zero
water and waste systems, located in the District of Highlands on Vancouver Island. Addressing sustainable building, waste and water systems in the context of conventional codes and standards spawned an interest to change policy. An unexpected career developed from the passion to stir the pot of water, compost toilets, policy and governance. Gord’s policy work includes being a technical editor the Province of BC’s regulations on compost toilets and greywater, consulting for municipal and regional governments on rainwater harvesting for potable use and developing non-potable water
reuse guidebook for commercial and multi-family residential building for a regional government, sits as an elected municipal counsellor, is the 4 year vice-chair for the CRD Regional Water Supply Commission, is an 8 year commissioner for the Juan
de Fuca Water distribution Commission. Hands on work include co-authoring the Essential Composting Toilets book, designing and installing over 30 residential potable rainwater systems, a strata small water systems, and is an ASSE internationally certified rainwater harvesting designer and installer.