1- grey
water use. Illegal around my area. Approved systems in other states that I've looked into are incredibly complicated, expensive, and impractical.
2- human manure. Composting toilets are illegal many places. And where legal, there are severe limitations as to which systems may be installed.
3- human
urine. Severe restrictions or outright illegal to collect and use.
4- although not an issue in agricultural areas, composting is illegal in many residential and urban areas.
5- in many residential and urban areas it is illegal to use front, and sometimes side, yards for food production.
6- man made ponds illegal in many areas, and if legal, are regulated to the point that most landowners cannot afford to construct them.
7- illegal to have even one
chicken in many areas.
8- wind turbines prohibited in many areas
solar installations often require expensive and lengthy processes to get approved.
10- hydroelectric systems illegal in many areas.
11- use of
local tree species for building construction illegal if the species is not on approved list, regardless of its known characteristics.
12- sale of produce grown and livestock products raised is often so restricted or regulated to the point that sales are almost impossible. Selling stuff legally can be expensive and challenging.
13- use of animal manures is controlled or illegal in some areas.
14- collection of rainwater is prohibited in some regions.
Give me some time and I'll think of more.
...Su Ba