Keshav Boddula

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since Dec 19, 2016
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i find that i have been referencing/promoting / natural technologies a lot
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Recent posts by Keshav Boddula

at (exactly) 48 minutes into this movie, he says "48 (of course, referring to the height in inches), right there" 😮
i mean, pretty insignificant observation-comment here, but still, seems crazy cooincidental..   as this could NOT have been intentional!..   right??

oh, and wait, this is my 48th post! 😲 (oh, the parallels (ll) on ll/ll/2024!)
2 months ago
note: an example is getting UL (Underwriters Laboratories) listing / standards-approval for Sky's Liberator (hear beginning of the Liberator section of the Free Heat movie)
2 months ago
anybody know of good video(s) made for city/govt. officials to help properly educate them about this so they can be more supportive/encouraging**?

of course the content would include how such permaculture technologies/setups would not be done in the right, responsible way, and how to avoid that (one example of a main tenet of permaculture is to slowly catch/sink water in the landscape, but also, depending on the land, if too much is caught, it may lead to unstable, dangerous land, and toward a landslide (like here or here)), and i believe it's important to have content around conflicting topics like:

*compost/dry toilets and waste/used (gray and black) water
*rocket stoves, and other setups that could pose a fire risk
*nature-based landscaping (such as depaving, curb cutting like rainwater harvesting guru Brad Lancaster speaks on here)
*good, safe water provision

**of course when done in smart, responsible ways, which can be a bigger IF unless there's solid community education to be smart and responsible in changing to radically different ways than they're used to
3 months ago
anybody know of good video(s) made for city/govt. officials to help educate them to not be concerned/non-permitting, but rather supportive/encouraging about the potential benefits to less understood permacultural/eco/decentralized technologies/setups**?  of course the content would include how such permaculture technologies/setups would not be done in the right, responsible way, and how to avoid that (one example of a main tenet of permaculture is to slowly catch/sink water in the landscape, but also, depending on the land, if too much is caught, it may lead to unstable, dangerous land, and toward a landslide (like here or here)), and content would be on conflicting topics such as:

*compost/dry toilets and waste/used (gray and black) water
*rocket stoves, and other setups that could pose a fire risk
*nature-based landscaping (such as depaving, curb cutting like rainwater harvesting guru Brad Lancaster speaks on here)
*good, safe water provision

**when done in smart, responsible ways, which can be a bigger IF unless there's solid community education to be smart and responsible in changing to radically different ways than they're used to

(wasn't sure if i should post this here, "science and research", or "permaculture voices")
3 months ago
it may be a good idea to better organize this list* into map format, right? anybody have time to do that?

*with RMH builders' contact info, maybe verification, and perhaps reviews (hopefully from happy, warm people)
3 months ago
hello, i have seen YT videos of races between a scythe and "brushcutter", and a scythe and a gas mower, but are there any videos (or science/data) of scythes vs. manual push mowers, in terms of relative speed (obviously grass height'd make a difference). similarly, anybody seen videos or science of races/relative speed of manual push mowers vs. conventional gas/electric mowers?

(and this is for those who think "nice-looking lawn" or "that grass needs to be cut" of course)
10 months ago
anybody read his new book, "The Winter Market Gardener: A Successful Grower's Handbook for Year-Round Harvests" (fall 2023)? from looking at the TOC, i'm not sure there's any mention of food preservation (or need to mention/teach this, as this book may just be focused on growing in this harsh season). i'm not very involved in harsher/colder climates, but seems like this book may be a great resource
11 months ago
permies peeps seem to be much more socially and environmentally conscious (for people and planet you know) than most. i was just reflecting on when i was going to school, how we'd have these 'canned food drives' (remember?), and looks like it still goes on these days.

of course food preservation (especially in a harsher climate) is so important/great (especially at a non-crazycommercial/non-industrial scale), but the underlying/implicit message seemed to have been that this is poor people food, lower quality food, whereas actually.. you know.

good to see these days there are workshops / demonstrations (hopefully more YT educational videos even) that promote this highly valuable homesteading/eco skill of food sealing, preservation, you know
11 months ago
So i was looking for potential AmeriCorps opportunities to join, and came across one that made me think they can use the help of Wheaton Labs.  So I emailed Amanda Coyle (the AgCorps Program Coordinator -

Me: "...[Wheaton Labs] has such great methods about growing food, but just about everything else too.  Maybe Wheaton Labs is a good idea for the AgCorps Farm and Agriculture Education Specialist position to reach out to for potential collaboration"

And then she replied / would like to know:

Amanda: "...Is Wheaton Labs a non-profit organization? AmeriCorps members can only serve with 501 (c) (3) non-profits, schools, faith-based organizations, or community organizations. If Wheaton Labs falls into one of those categories, then please check out our website for opportunities to apply as a host site for an AgCorps AmeriCorps member: We hope to have host site applications up in the late summer for the 2025 program year."

Hoping the better/best methods spread to more people, you know (the least i can do for living in a not-so-harsh climate)