I have been seeing this Craigslist post and thought I would link here in case anyone has the qualifications and interest to take advantage of the offer:
Here is the body of the post:
FREE Large 18th century Dutch Farmhouse Center hall colonial style 4 rooms up and 4 rooms down. MUST BE MOVED OR DISMANTLED FOR PARTS. FURNITURE NOT INCLUDED. This timber framed house is made of hand hewn roof rafters, studs and floor joists. Has floor boards some as wide as 13 1/2". Some floor boards are 10" wide and all flooring in good shape. Also has old doors, window and door trim, 18th century Hudson River Valley mantle. Happy to throw in 18th century hand made bricks from chimneys and a complete fieldstone cellar which would make a wonderful stone
fence. YOU MUST HAVE INSURANCE TO TAKE THIS PLACE. You need a crew with workman's comp, heavy equipment, and a place to store the house or more likely the hand hewn timbers and wide board flooring and whatever else you take. Looking to give away at least the timbers, and perhaps the flooring.
There are also photos. Pompton Plains, where the building is located, is on the far northwestern edge of New Jersey's urban density and is close to interstate 80.
I do not have anything to do with this post so I will not have any more details than you see in the ad. I just thought it might be of interest to someone looking for old timbers and building materials in the northeast US.