I bought a product called a worm factory for vermicomposting. These have smaller
footprint than most systems i saw and i am suburban now. To tell the truth i am totally thrill with this i wanted it so long...ah but i digress.
I filled the bottom bin with veggie scraps and new paper and all the good stuff needed. Sandy hit and my worms took long time to get here...no big deal i heard they liked it to be less than fresh. I put the 1,000 worms in and they all woke up after 16 hours, they arrived very cold i was so surprised the survived at all.
After two weeks in the bottom bins, I went digging for worms. They were found all over the place but there was a ball in the middle (later i learned this is a sign of stress) and things were looking quite a bit composty and smelled just as it
should, fresh soil like. To me everything was looking quite well in the bottom bin so i put another bin on top, these have holes in them for the worms to move through, tossed some damp craft paper scraps and some leaves and some kitchen wastes, i had to start tossing out waste too as i was creating more than i could
feed them.
Then i started hearing about over feeding worms, well i knew the bottom bin is surely not finished i just wanted the second bin to start getting less then fresh for them later. I knew i put too much in to start so i went and I looked at the worms (this is week 3) and i see many many worms are sorta dripping out the holes in the second layer. I look around on lower layer and i find worms happily doing their thing...mostly on the edges of the lower bin but the center of the bin is just over 80 degrees (the room is 65ish) and there is worms on the upper layer moving around.
I then read about escapist worms if they are unhappy.... now i start to worry about the worms trying to escape the heat on the lower level by moving to the second one.
Now i do not know if i should ditch the lower level to get the over feeding gone or figure the worms will move in and out of it as they see fit.
Ok ok i just want someone to tell me my worms are happy not running away