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Medicinal Trees: Walnut (Juglans)

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Sixteen varieties of Walnut have been noted for their medicinal value: Juglans ailanthifolia - Japanese Walnut, Juglans ailanthifolia cordiformis - Heartseed Walnut, Juglans californica - California Walnut, Juglans cathayensis - Chinese Walnut, Juglans cinerea, Juglans hindsii - Hind's Black Walnut, Juglans intermedia, Juglans major - Arizona Walnut, Juglans mandschurica - Manchurian Walnut, Juglans microcarpa - Texas Walnut, Juglans nigra - Black Walnut, Juglans regia, Juglans regia fallax, Juglans regia kamaonia, Juglans sinensis, Juglans x bisbyi – Buartnut

Only two Walnuts are native to my region: Juglans cinerea (Butternut) and Juglans nigra (Black Walnut)

Among the most regal and historied of these medicinal trees is the Juglandaceae, the Walnut family…. Walnuts, black walnuts, pecans and hickories. Although some members of the family have more specific actions or are stronger in one regard than another, I will generalize these under “Walnuts”.

The properties of Walnuts are many, and not the least of these are the delicious and nutritious nuts. Walnuts are rich in protein, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, ALA, copper, folic acid, manganese, B-6, vitamin E and a variety of other antioxidants and useful substances. Our herbalist ancestors, though, who subscribed to “The Doctrine of Signatures” (a school of thought that an herb’s usefulness may be indicated by the similarity of its appearance to a corresponding body part or visible illness) would certainly have noticed the similarity between the nut and the human brain. William Cole, an exponent of the doctrine of signatures, says in Adam in Eden, 1657:

Wall-nuts have the perfect Signature of the Head: The outer husk or green Covering, represent the Pericranium, or outward skin of the skull, whereon the hair groweth, and therefore salt made of those husks or barks, are exceeding good for wounds in the head. The inner wooddy shell hath the Signature of the Skull, and the little yellow skin, or Peel, that covereth the Kernell, of the hard Meninga and Pia-mater, which are the thin scarfes that envelope the brain. The Kernel hath the very figure of the Brain, and therefore it is very profitable for the Brain, and resists poysons; For if the Kernel be bruised, and moystned with the quintessence of Wine, and laid upon the Crown of the Head, it comforts the brain and head mightily.

The medicinal properties of the Walnut are not in the nut alone, however. The husk, shell, leaves and bark all have their uses. The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies states, “Black walnut is an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antiviral, astringent, emetic, laxative, painkiller, and vermifuge. The green hulls are more potent than the mature black hulls….”

Saint Hildegard, von Bingen recommend:

…take the leaves of this tree while they are fresh. Squeeze the juice from them onto the place where maggots are eating a person, or where maggots or other worms are growing on him. Do this frequently, and they will die. But, if worms are originating in his stomach, he should take the leaves of the walnut tree, with equal amount of peach tree leaves, before their fruits are ripe, and pulverize them over a fiery hot stone. He should eat this powder often, either with an egg , or in broth, or cooked in a bit of cereal. The worms in his stomach will die.

If leprosy has begun to grow on someone, squeeze the juice from these leaves and add old fat to it, making an ointment. When the leprosy is still new on him, he should anoint himself with this, near the fire. Without a doubt he will be healed, unless God does not wish it.

One who has much phlegm in him should take that which exudes from the walnut tree when its branches or rootstock are cut. He should cook it gently in wine with fennel and a little savory, strain it through a cloth, and often drink it warm. It will throw off phlegm, and he will be cleared out.

One who has bad scabies on his head should take the outer skin of the walnut, that is its shell, and squeeze its juice over the wounds, that is over the scabies on his head. When they have swollen up from the bitterness of the juice, he should anoint them with olive oil, which will check the bitterness. If he does this often, the scabies will be cured.

John Gerard, the great herbalist, was a collector and grower of most any plant he could acclimate to the English climate. His gardens may have provided inspiration for William Shakespeare (believed to be a neighbor and friend), and likely provided much inspiration for those wonderful plays and poems full of woodland scenes and plant lore. Surely, the two knew much of the grand English Walnut and its uses. Of Walnut, Gerard wrote:

Dry nuts taken fasting with a fig and a little Rue withstand poison, prevent and preserve the body from the infection of the plague, and being plentifully eaten they drive worms forth of the belly. The green and tender nuts boiled in sugar and eaten as succade, are a most pleasant and delectable meat, comfort the stomach, and expel poison. The oil of walnuts made in such manner as oil of almonds, maketh smooth the hands and face, and taketh away scales or scurf, black and blue marks that come of stripes or bruises. Milk made of the kernels, as almond milk is made, cooleth and pleaseth the appetite of the languishing sick body. With onions, salt, and honey, they are good against the biting of a mad dog or man, if they be laid upon the wound….The outward green husk of the nuts hath a notable binding faculty…. The leaves and first buds have a certain binding quality, as the same author showeth; yet there doth abound in them an hot and dry temperature. Some of the later physicians use these for baths and lotions for the body, in which they have a force to digest and also to procute sweat.

Being an herbal historian, Gerard also included, “Being both eaten, and also applied, they heal in short time, as Dioscorides saith, gangrenes, carbuncles, ægilops, and the pilling away of the hair: this also is effectually done by the oil that is pressed out of them, which is of thin parts, digesting and heating. Galen devised and taught to make of the juice thereof a medicine for the mouth, singular good against all inflammations thereof.”

Culpepper believed Walnuts to be useful for dog bites (although I would not suggest them for rabies, unless there was no other treatment available!), and for other venoms and poisons:

…if they' [the leaves] be taken with onions, salt, and honey, they help the biting of a mad dog, or the venom or infectious poison of any beast, etc. Caius Pompeius found in the treasury of Mithridates, King of Pontus, when he was overthrown, a scroll of his own handwriting, containing a medicine against any poison or infection; which is this: Take two dry walnuts, and as many good figs, and twenty leaves of rue, bruised and beaten together with two or three corns of salt and twenty juniper berries, which take every morning fasting, preserves from danger of poison, and infection that day it is taken. . . . The kernels, when they grow old, are more oily, and therefore not fit to be eaten, but are then used to heal the wounds of the sinews, gangrenes, and carbuncles. . . . The said kernels being burned, are very astringent . . . being taken in red wine, and stay the falling of the hair, and make it fair, being anointed with oil and wine. The green husks will do the like, being used in the same manner. . . . A piece of the green husks put into a hollow tooth, eases the pain.

As usual, Maude Grieve gives us the most complete explanation of how herbs were used in the British tradition, her book being published in the 1930s and summing up so many centuries of folk medicine:

The bark and leaves have alterative, laxative, astringent and detergent properties, and are used in the treatment of skin troubles. They are of the highest value for curing scrofulous diseases, herpes, eczema, etc., and for healing indolent ulcers; an infusion of 1 OZ. of dried bark or leaves (slightly more of the fresh leaves) to the pint of boiling water, allowed to stand for six hours, and strained off is taken in wineglassful doses, three times a day, the same infusion being also employed at the same time for outward application. Obstinate ulcers may also be cured with sugar, well saturated with a strong decoction of Walnut leaves.

The bark, dried and powdered, and made into a strong infusion, is a useful purgative.

The husk, shell and peel are sudorific, especially if used when the Walnuts are green. Whilst unripe, the nut has worm destroying virtues.

The fruit, when young and unripe, makes a wholesome, anti-scorbutic pickle, the vinegar in which the green fruit has been pickled proving a capital gargle for sore and slightly ulcerated throats. Walnut catsup embodies the medicinal virtues of the unripe nuts.

The leaves have a very strong, characteristic smell, aromatic and not unpleasant, but said to be injurious to sensitive people. They have three, sometimes four pairs of leaflets and a terminal one, the leaflets varying in size on the same leaf, being 2 1/4 to 4 inches in length and 1 to 1 1/2 inch wide, entire, smooth, shining, and paler below.

Gather the leaves only in fine weather, in the morning, after the dew has been dried by the sun. The prevalence of an east wind is favourable, as the dry air facilitates the process of drying. Reject all stained leaves.

Drying may be done in warm, sunny weather, out-of-doors, but in half-shade as leaves dried in the shade retain their colour better than those dried in the sun and do not become so tindery. They may be placed on wire sieves, or frames covered with wire or garden netting - at a height of about 3 or 4 feet from the ground, to ensure a current of air - and must be taken indoors to a dry room or shed, before there is any chance of them becoming damp from dew or showers.

The juice of the green husks, boiled with honey, is also a good gargle for a sore mouth and inflamed throat, and the distilled water of the green husks is good for quinsy and as an application for wounds and internally is a cooling drink in agues.

The thin, yellow skin which clothes the inner nut is a notable remedy for colic, being first dried, and then rubbed into powder. It is administered in doses of 30 grains, with a tablespoonful of peppermint water.

The oil extracted from the ripe kernels, taken inwardly in 1/2 OZ. doses, has also proved good for colic and is efficacious, applied externally, for skin diseases of the leprous type and wounds and gangrenes.

An Irish Herbal states:

Two or three walnuts eaten with a fig and a little rue, on an empty stomach, provide prevention against infection. The kernel oil will heal bruises and scabby and itchy skin, and taken internally, will break up the stone in the bladder and urinary crystals. A decoction of the green peel or husk of the walnut is useful against tumors and ulcers of the mouth and throat. The bark of the tree, either green, dried or crushed, encourages vomiting.

Brother Aloysius wrote of Walnut:

The infusion of the leaves contains ½ to ¾ cup per 2 cups boiling water and is one of the best remedies for scrofulous constitutions. An infusion of flowers contains 2/3 to 1 cup per 2 cups boiling water and is used for leukorrhea. The green rind of the unripe fruit, prepared in gin, is a well known stomatic. The fruit septa, ground to a powder, is a commonly known remedy for fleshy excrescences: this powder should simply be sprinkled on the effected area. It can especially be used for gangrene: 1 sugar spoon of powder should be taken twice a day in wine, and a little powder should be sprinkled on the wound. The young buds can be used to prepare an excellent ointment to prevent hair from falling out and the prevention of dandruff; a handful of buds should be fried for about ½ hour in 1 ½ cups lard. Take 1 to 2 cups of the flower infusion daily for jaundice, heavy bleeding or lupus.

Maria Treben wrote:

A tea of walnut cleanses the blood and is an effective remedy for intestinal disorders, as well as for constipation and lack of appetite. It is used successfully for jaundice and diabetes.

A decoction of the leaves, added to bath water, is beneficial for scrofula, rickets, caries, and swellings of the bone, as well as, for festering toe and finger nails. An improvement is noted soon, if areas affected by cradle- cap, scabs and scurf are washed with a decoction of the green leaves. Baths and washings enriched with his decoction are used for acne, festering eczema, sweaty feat and leucorrhea. As a mouthwash, it is used for stomatitis, inflamed gums, throat and larynx.

A strong decoction of the leaves, added to bathwater is used for chilblains. It is also beneficial for hair loss, when massaged frequently into the scalp. This decoction is an excellent remedy for head lice. The fresh leaves are used to repel insects.

About the middle of June, the unripe nuts are picked (a pin should easily run through them) and used to prepare a delightful cordial, which cleanses the stomach, liver and blood, strengthens weak stomachs and improves foul intestines. It is an excellent remedy for thick blood.

Jolanta WIttib writes:

Walnut is valued not only for the delicious nuts. I collect the leaves, the green shell of the nuts and the nuts, of course. The leaves and green outer layer of the nuts have a lot of tannins which make them valuable as home medicine. I add them to my mixtures for stomach problems, spasms or light diarrhea. My favorite is the nut! I add them to my apple pie (apple strudel), or baked apples. Or have nuts as a snack while hiking. Have you tried to store nuts in honey? It’s delicious.

Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests states:

JUGLANDACEAE. (The Walnut Tribe.)

BUTTERNUT; OIL-NUT, (Juglans cinerea,Jj.) Grows in the mountains of South and North Carolina. Fl. April.358 IT. S. Disj). 710 ; Archives Gen. 3c seric, x, 399, and xi, 40; Frost's Elems. Mul. Med. 131. ' The inner bark of the root. affords one of the most mild and efficient laxatives we possess.

The extract was a favorite remedy in General Marion's camp during the Revolutionary war. It is very efficacious in habitual constipation, in doses often to thirty grains; the tirst acting as a laxative, the maximum purging. Big. Am. Med Bot. ii, 115; Mx. N. Am. Sylva, 160; where it is spoken of as a mild cathartic, operating without pain or irritation, and resembling rhubarb in its property of evacuating without debilitating the alimentary canal. Dr. Rush employed it during the war. Wood says it is highly esteemed in dysentery, Lind. Nat, Syst. 181. The rind of the fruit and the skin of the kernel are extremely astringent, anthelmintic and cathartic; the oil extracted from the fruit is of a very drying nature. Mer. and do L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 687, (J. cathartica.') He remarks that the inner bark of the root is acrid and caustic, and purges, but occasions neither heat nor irritation; adapted to bilious constitutions and to dysentery; often combined with calomel. It is given to animals in a disease called “yellow water;" Bull, des Sci. Med. Fer. xii, 338. To extract the cathartic principle, the bark is boiled in water for several hours; remove the extraneous matter and boil down the decoction to the consistence of honey or molasses—pills may be made of this. A syrup may also be made. The bark is strongest in the early summer. The powdered leaves are rubefacient, and act as a substitute for cantharides. Coxe, Am. Disp. 365. The bark of the branches af- fords a large quantity of soluble matter, chiefly of the extractive kind, water seeming to be a solvent. Wetherill found in it fixed oil, resin, saccharine matter, lime, potash, a peculiar principle, and tannin. Dr. B. S. Barton, in his Collections, 23, 32, thinks it is possessed of some anodyne property. Dr. Gray ascertained that four trees, eight to ten inches in diameter, produced in one day nine quarts of sap, from which was made one pound and a quarter of sugar, equal, if not superior to that produced from the maple. This plant is always given in the form of extract or decoction. Griffith's Med. Bot. 589; Thacher's Disp. 245; Eush's Med. Obs. i, 112; Pe. Mat. Med. and Therap. ii, 767 ; Lind. Med. Fl. 387.

BLACK WALNUT, {Juglans nigra, L.) Diffused in lower and upper country of South and North Carolina; Newbern. Fl. June. Mer. and de L. Diet, de M. Med. iii, 687; Griffith, Med. Bot. vi, 89. The bark is styptic and acrid; the rind of the unripe fruit is said to remove ring-worms and tetter ; and the decoction is given with success as a vermifuge. " A kind of bread is obtained from the fruit." In a communication received from J. Douglas, M. D., of Chester District, South Carolina, his correspondent, Mr. McKeown, informs me that a bit of lint, dipped in the oil of the walnut kernel and applied to an aching tooth, is an effectual palliative; he has employed it for thirty years with great satisfaction. The following appeared in one of the journals during the year 1861: Walnut leaves in the treatment of Diseases.—Dr. Negries, physician at Anglers, France, has published a statement of his success in the treatment of scrofulous disease in different forms by preparations of walnut leaves. He has tried walnut leaves for ten years, and of fifty six patients, afflicted in different forms, thirty-one were completely cured, and there were only four who appeared to have obtained no advantage. The infusion of the walnut tree leaves is made by cutting them and infusing a good pinch between the thumb and forefinger in half a pint of boiling water, and then sweetening it with sugar. To a grown person, M. Negries prescribed from two to three teacupsful of this daily. This medicine is a slightly aromatic bitter its efficiency is nearly uniform in scrofulous disorders, and it is stated never to have caused any unpleasant effects. It augments the activity of the circulation and digestion, and to the functions imparts much energy. It is supposed to act upon the lymphatic system, as under its influence the muscles become firm, and the skin acquires a ruddier hue. Dry leaves may be used throughout the winter, but a syrup made of green leaves is more aromatic. A salve made of a strong extract of the leaves mixed alone with clean lard and a few drops of the oil of bergamot is most excellent for sores. A strong decoction of the leaves is excellent for washing them.

The salutary effects of this medicine do not appear on a sudden—no visible effect may be noticed for twenty days, but per-severance in it will effect a cure. As walnut tree leaves are abundant in America, and as the extract of them is not dangerous or unpleasant to use, and scrofula not uncommon, a trial of this simple medicine should be made. In directing attention to it good results may be expected.

The Thomsonian System of Medicine states:

BUTTERNUT. Juglans Cinerea. (Dr. Thomson.)

This tree grows common in this country, and is well known from the nut which it bears, of an oblong shape and nearly as large as an egg, in which is a meat containing much oil, and very good to eat. The inner bark of this tree is used by the country people to color with. The bark taken from the body of the tree or roots, and boiled down till thick, may be made into pills, and operate as a powerful emetic and cathartic; a syrup may be made by boiling the bark and adding one-third molasses and a little spirit, which is good to give children for worm complaints. The buds and twigs may also be used for the same purpose, and are more mild.

BUTTERNUT. Juglans Cinerea. (Dr. Greer.)

The inner bark of the white walnut tree has an important place in the Materia Medica. Its principal use is as a physic, and in that respect it is exceedingly valuable on account of its mild action and the tonic impression left upon the structures of the bowels. Its chief influence is exerted upon the lower bowels, and for that reason it cannot be excelled for prolapsus and constipation due to a sluggish condition of the large bowels. It is best administered in the form of syrup made by slowly boiling a pound of the bark in water and evaporating to one pint and adding two pounds of sugar; dose, a teaspoonful. Butternut syrup is a valuable physic for use in protracted febrile diseases.

Juglans Cinerea. (Dr. Lyle.)

The inner bark of the root is more active than that of the trunk, but both are used. It yields its properties to boiling water, except its astringency, which property is yielded when alcohol is the menstruum used instead of boiling water. Juglans is an active stimulating hepatic and cathartic. It relieves the portal system, disgorges the liver and cleanses the bowels. For catharsis it usually takes from four to eight hours, according to the dose given. Juglans Cinerea tones the entire alvine mucous membrane, but especially that of the lower bowels, influencing peristalcis. The alcoholic fluid extract may be used in diarrhoea and dysentery. It cleanses the surface and leaves the parts toned and astringed. The aqueous extract being free from this astringency may be used to relieve chronic constipation. It is in this sphere one of the most valuable preparations. In relieving the portal circulation it also relieves hemorrhoids and rectal hemorrhages. In dysentery, in small doses, it cleanses the bowels, relieves the portal circulation and tones the mucous membranes. To prepare the syrup of Juglans, gather your bark from the fifth to the twentieth of April in the country. It is then strongest. Crush or chop fine. Then boil till quite strong and pour off and cover a second and third time to completely exhaust the strength of the drug. Then boil all together and evaporate to threefourth or equality of one pint per pound of bark. Then for each twelve ounces add alcohol, two ounces, and sugar, four ounces. It is well adapted to the treatment of skin eruptions. It is a tonic to both mucous membrane and dermoid tissue and slightly increases the action of the kidneys. It is one of the most valuable agents in the whole materia medica. It relieves the liver, proves gently cathartic and leaves the bowels soluble and toned. These are qualities that can be accorded to but few agents. By the use of this agent the faeces becomes more or less darkened.

King's American Dispensatory, 1898 tells us:

Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage.—Butternut in small doses is a mild stimulant to the intestinal tract, proving laxative and in larger doses is a gentle and agreeable cathartic, causing no griping, nor subsequent weakness of the intestines. It resembles rhubarb in its effect, but without inducing constipation after its action. It is very valuable in cases of habitual constipation, colorectitis, and several other intestinal diseases. It is generally used in the form of an extract, in doses of 1 to 30 grains. An excellent combination for chronic constipation is the following: Rx Ext. butternut, ʒj; ext. nux vomica, grs. v. Mix. Ft. Pil. No. 40. Sig. Two pills, 3 times a day (Locke). The same pill is very efficient in deficient gastric secretion, in atonic dyspepsia, and in indigestion accompanied with gastric irritation, sour eructations, and flatulent distension of the stomach. Administer 1 pill a day. Juglans is useful in tenesmic, burning, fetid diarrhoea and dysentery, and should be remembered in intestinal dyspepsia with irritation. The specific juglans may be given in from 1 to 10-drop doses. The same doses of the same preparation act as an efficient alterative in chronic skin affections and scrofula, being particularly indicated in those skin affections exhibiting vesicles or pustules. Webster believes it effectual in all skin diseases except those presenting parasitic, scrofulous, or syphilitic manifestations. Juglans is an efficient cathartic to use when a free action of the bowels is demanded in rheumatism and chronic respiratory affections. A strong decoction of it is much employed in some sections of the country, as a domestic remedy in rheumatism affecting the muscles of the back, and in intermittent and remittent fevers, as well as in other diseases attended with congestion of the abdominal viscera; it is also reputed efficient in murrain of cattle, and yellow water in horses. It was used with great advantage in the treatment of dysentery and diarrhoea occurring among our soldiers in the Civil War. Dose of the extract, from 1 to 30 grains, usually from 1 to 5 grains; specific juglans, 1 to 20 drops, the smaller doses being preferred for its specific action.

Specific Indications and Uses.—Chronic constipation; gastro-intestinal irritability, with sour eructations, flatulence, and either diarrhoea or constipation dependent thereon; diarrhoea and dysentery with tenesmus and burning and fetid discharges; torpid liver; chronic skin affections of a pustular or vesicular character, discharging freely; eczematous affections.

According to Plants for a Future:

The walnut tree has a long history of medicinal use, being used in folk medicine to treat a wide range of complaints. The leaves are alterative, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, astringent and depurative. They are used internally the treatment of constipation, chronic coughs, asthma, diarrhoea, dyspepsia etc. The leaves are also used to treat skin ailments and purify the blood. They are considered to be specific in the treatment of strumous sores. Male inflorescences are made into a broth and used in the treatment of coughs and vertigo. The rind is anodyne and astringent. It is used in the treatment of diarrhoea and anaemia. The seeds are antilithic, diuretic and stimulant. They are used internally in the treatment of low back pain, frequent urination, weakness of both legs, chronic cough, asthma, constipation due to dryness or anaemia and stones in the urinary tract. Externally, they are made into a paste and applied as a poultice to areas of dermatitis and eczema. The oil from the seed is anthelmintic. It is also used in the treatment of menstrual problems and dry skin conditions. The cotyledons are used in the treatment of cancer. Walnut has a long history of folk use in the treatment of cancer, some extracts from the plant have shown anticancer activity. The bark and root bark are anthelmintic, astringent and detergent. The plant is used in Bach flower remedies - the keywords for prescribing it are "Oversensitive to ideas and influences" and "The link-breaker".

Peterson Field Guides Eastern and Central Medicinal Plants tells us about butternut and black walnut:

Butternut: Inner bark tea or extract a popular early American laxative, thought to be effective in small doses, without causing griping or cramps. American Indians use bark tea for rheumatism, headaches, toothaches; strong warm tea for wounds to stop bleeding, promote healing. Oil from nuts used for tape worms, fungal infections. Juglone, a component, is antiseptic and herbicidal, some anti-tumor activity has also been reported.

Black walnut: American Indians used inner bark tea as an emetic, laxative; bark chewed for toothaches. Fruit husk juiced used on ringworms; Husk chewed for colic, poultice for inflammation. Leaf tea astringent, insecticidal against bedbugs.

Botany In a Day states:

There are about 20 species of walnuts in the world. They all produce edible nuts, but of varying quality… Medicinally, the leaves, bark and husks are rich in tannic acid, with some bitter components; walnut is used mostly as an astringent but also as a vermifuge, internally to get rid of worms, externally for ringworm fungus. The green husk is rich in vitamin C. Butternut bark contains naphthoquinone laxative.

One has to wonder how our ancestors discovered the medicinal uses of the Walnut family. I would suggest that it came about through observation. Walnuts, as the Latin name suggests, produce a substance called juglone. Juglone prevents many trees and plants from growing near the walnut - this most unsociable quality prevents faster growing trees from competing with the Walnut for sunlight, water and other resources. Some trees and bushes though are “juglone tolerant”, and if you wish to include Walnuts in your landscape, you will want to research such plants. But basically, Walnuts don’t play well with others! Could our ancestors have noticed this trait and wondered if such a unique and powerful plant could have medicinal use against other creatures that may compete for our resources…. parasites, bacteria, etc?

Obviously, I can only speculate. But I recall the horses on our farm when I was a kid, eating the tender spring pecan and black walnut leaves that grew in and near the pasture. I was told not to let them eat too much, but that the horses somehow knew to eat those leaves to prevent worms. I also heard of folks feeding them to chickens for the same reason. I don’t know if that is recommended, but the old folks would often say, “animals know what they need; they know what plants are medicine.” Of course, that wasn’t always true, but this was the folk knowledge our ancestors knew. It makes me wonder what other wisdom is to be found just over our heads and under our feet?

This article is an excerpt from The Medicinal Trees of the American South, An Herbalist's Guide: by Judson Carroll

His New book is  The Omnivore’s Guide to Home Cooking for Preppers, Homesteaders, Permaculture People and Everyone Else

Read About The Omnivore’s Guide to Home Cooking for Preppers, Homesteaders, Permaculture People and Everyone Else:


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His other works include:

Medicinal Shrubs and Woody Vines of The American Southeast An Herbalist's Guide
Read about Medicinal Shrubs and Woody Vines of The American Southeast An Herbalist's Guide: https://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2022/06/medicinal-shrubs-and-woody-vines-of.html

Available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B2T4Y5L6

Growing Your Survival Herb Garden for Preppers, Homesteaders and Everyone Else

Read About Growing Your Survival Herb Garden for Preppers, Homesteaders and Everyone Else: http://southernappalachianherbs.blogspot.com/2022/04/growing-your-survival-herb-garden-for.html

Available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09X4LYV9R

The Encyclopedia of Bitter Medicinal Herbs:


Available for purchase on Amazon:


Christian Medicine, History and Practice:


Available for purchase on Amazon: www.amazon.com/dp/B09P7RNCTB

Herbal Medicine for Preppers, Homesteaders and Permaculture People


Also available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HMWXL25

Look Up: The Medicinal Trees of the American South, An Herbalist's Guide


The Herbs and Weeds of Fr. Johannes Künzle:


Author: Judson Carroll. Judson Carroll is an Herbalist from the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.

His weekly articles may be read at judsoncarroll.com

His weekly podcast may be heard at: www.spreaker.com/show/southern-appalachian-herbs

He offers free, weekly herb classes: https://rumble.com/c/c-618325


The information on this site is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or condition. Nothing on this site has been evaluated or approved by the FDA. I am not a doctor. The US government does not recognize the practice of herbal medicine and their is no governing body regulating herbalists. Therefore, I'm just a guy who studies herbs. I am not offering any advice. I won't even claim that anything I write is accurate or true! I can tell you what herbs have "traditionally been used for." I can tell you my own experience and if I believe an herb helped me. I cannot, nor would I tell you to do the same. If you use any herb I, or anyone else, mentions you are treating yourself. You take full responsibility for your health. Humans are individuals and no two are identical. What works for me may not work for you. You may have an allergy, sensitivity or underlying condition that no one else shares and you don't even know about. Be careful with your health. By continuing to read my blog you agree to be responsible for yourself, do your own research, make your own choices and not to blame me for anything, ever.
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