Chicory is taking over my lawn and is even beating out the bermuda (actually "gramilla" which grows taller than bermuda I think). It's really hard to pull up and I think it multiplies if you don't get the entire root out.
I wouldn't mind it, but it gets tall fast, meaning I have to mow often. Pics are attached.
I guess its around 1250 square meters. We use it for recreation. Soil is dark brown clay. I am in Uruguay in a Mediterranean climate near the coast with wet winters and dry summers. Little frost.
My up-state PA old school Italian in-laws would, and frequently do, consider this a really nice resource. Blanch lightly (too bitter otherwise), toss out the water and saute gently in EVO, little garlic, salt & pepper, and....mommamia.... Weed control +and+ dinner!
“You meet your destiny on the road you take to avoid it.”
~ Carl Jung
Elliot Everett
Posts: 29
Location: Coastal Uruguay. Wet winters, hot and dry summers. 1000 mm annual rain.
Thanks Eric, I'll give it a shot. I've already roasted the roots as a test (for coffee), but I don't think they taste like much. I tasted the leaves and they are indeed bitter.
Where does a nanny get ground to air missles? Protect this tiny ad: