Sounds like he ate something poisonous to me. Lots of plants can cause frothing at the mouth. If he had bloat, he would have had a very distended belly. Did he?
Did he have fever? Vomiting usually follows after a poisonous plant. When I've had animals with frothy bloat, it was usually because some unauthorized person opened a pasture gate and let them into a lush pasture after a heavy rain and they just ate too much of it. Then, when I administered the remedy, and the oil, they didn't vomit, they just passed gas and had diarrhea for a while. Can you give us more details?
If he did eat a poisonous plant, the best remedy is to give them charcoal or something to absorb the poison, and baking soda to neutralize the acid. I usually follow that about 20 or 30 minutes later, with something laxative to sweep the poison out of the system, like a dose of Epsom salt, followed a few hours later by slippery elm to heal the irritation to the gut. You have to keep the nose below the eyes when administering a drench by mouth and do it very slowly so it doesn't go into the lungs. When an animal is thrashing, have someone help you, that is dangerous for them. Inhalation pneumonia is very bad. We have Mountain Laurel here and sometimes they get out of the pasture due to a tree falling on the
fence, and get into it. Hasn't happened in a few years though.
I had one goat get snake bit a few years ago and she only had neurological symptoms and was lying down and could not get up. Her head was spinning and she could not track her eyes. Then they start to swell up near the bite site. Giving 5000 units of Vit C, waiting 30 minutes and following with another 5000 units, worked pretty fast on my dog when he was bitten by a copperhead. Gave him ruta graveolens, crushed up in a little
water and squirted that into his mouth. Also crushed up plantain and put it all over the bite, which was on his lower lip. It worked fast, within a few hours, he was up and walking and quickly running around. You could watch the swelling go down. Pretty lucky dog. Neither animal vomited with snake bite. This remedy is in the Juliet
de Bairacli book, [u
]Herbal Handbook for Barn and Stable[/u].