My dogs have always loved veggies, fruits and leafy greens but I don't think they picked it up from me. I think it comes natural to dogs and most canines in the wild will forage on browse, berries, and
roots along with the game that they kill.
I had to put a
fence around my garden because the dogs~one in particular~were cleaning me out of tomatoes, potatoes, corn and melons. The worst garden raider would clean up apples out of the orchard all season. One day I counted his consumption and he had consumed 6 apples per minute. All
apple season, this dog would
poop red. The other dog would occasionally chew an
apple now and again...this apple lover would eat them nonstop all day long. He'd have so much sugar in his system that he had the jitters!
House dogs just don't get the opportunity for this kind of foraging, so people don't notice it but dogs that live outside are constantly on the hunt for edibles even if they are well fed. One of my dogs is currently eating his way through a
deer hide, hair and all. He will contest with the
chickens over salad scraps and old fruit salads. He will eat bananas, peels and all. He'll sneak into the coop if the door is left open and eat the
chicken feed and steal an egg or two...or a dozen. All the dogs will eat chicken poop and love any horse poop that they can get their teeth into. They love hoof trimmin's from the sheep and will consume a deer leg...hoof and less than an hour. They will eat the whole head of a deer within a day of consistent gnawing.
Dogs are true scavengers and opportunistic eaters, just like coyotes, foxes and bears. Food is food, be it meat~ or veggies and fruit.