If you only chop and drop beans/legumes and other N-fixers you would have an excess of Nitrogen.
Now if all you chop and drop is winterrye/wheat/etc you would have an excess of Carbon. So you will need a mix of chop and drop plants
You also have to remember that 1/2 of a plant mass is
underground and when you chop a plant top its
roots also die, releasing its nutrients.
When you are building the soil you want to accumulate carbon in the soil so if you add too much nitrogen the microbes will eat all the carbon thus soil.
The goal of chop and drop is to also bring up minerals(Calcium, Iron, etc) deep in the soil up to the surface where there is more
It is not just about carbon and nitrogen.
So use a mix of root/nutrient accumilators, carbon, nitrogen and pest control chop and drop.
If you want you plant winter rye(C) and winter legume(fava bean) and use the spring/summer for regular crop.