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Chile:Strange disease affects tomato farms and warn rising prices
Spanish-English translation
Strange disease affects tomato farms and warn rising prices
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Details Published on Thursday, 10 January 2013 16:17 Written by Press
A group of professionals conducting research SAG in different farms planting tomatoes, after detecting a rare disease that affects the plant.
Professionals, Gabriel Alvarez and Jorge Rocha, took samples for analysis in the laboratory. The disease affects tomatoes Coyanco plantations, and Huacamalá Liucura Alto, among other sectors of the commune of Quillón. Furthermore, repeated in the commune of Bulnes with a farmer who leases plots Coyanco
by the municipality.
In both Ránquil, Huape High sector also accounts for the effects on the plantation of a farmer, who had to replant a large extent of cultivation.
SAG professionals deliver the first definitive results 15 to 20 days, that will determine if a fungus or bacteria that is causing huge losses to small farmers, which exceeded 60% of plantations and other farms the losses up to 100%.
As soon discarded possible factors that could be responsible, as is the purchase of seedlings as these were bought from different suppliers, or in other cases the plants were made by the farmers themselves.
It is estimated that in the coming days, in full production, the value of a kilo of tomatoes could exceed one thousand dollars, the value of the kilo currently ranges from 500 to 700 pesos.
Some producers believe that the presence of the fungus are attributed to the recent rains which affected agricultural plantations and vineyards and Quillón tomatoes and other communities in Ñuble