Actually this last post was VERY significant for a couple of reasons....
For one, there are tree and shrub nurseries all over the place where the proprietors are working their buns off to grow quality nursery stock to
sell for their customers... Here's where we Permacultuists can help... Instead of figuring out how to start out own nurseries (because it costs too much to buy plants!) how about we support our fellow tree-people.... Contract with your
local nursery grower to grow the seeds that you provide... It's a win-win-win all around... Since you provide the seed (acorns or
honey locusts collected in the wild or pits sucked from cherries and peaches), you save the nursery grower money.... THEN, since you guarantee that you'll buy every last plant that comes from that seed, the nursery will give you the best possible price. S/he gets free seed and all of the plants are guaranteed to be sold... HOME RUN!.... You get to buy plants at wholesale prices that have no seed cost and no inventory cost included in the prices... You get cheap trees, they get a guarantee....
Also... Nurseries are in the nursery business FOR REAL.. They have the right soil. They have the right equipment,
irrigation, weed control, fertilizer, digging equipment, storage facilities... Why on earth would I want to re-invent the wheel when Og has a wheel that he's already invested in and Og knows how to use that wheel and would get a kick out of getting a better deal for using that wheel?
YES... Oftentimes your state nurseries have WIKKED cheap trees!... Most of the time they are "wild" unselected trees... Which is great for reforestation and wildlife if that's you're thing... BUt... since they are seedlings... They are part of the future variety discovery (see Restoration Agriculture: ) Your State NUrseries represent a WIKKED cheap source of rootstock to graft onto... They represent genetic variation with possible "ringers"...
Use your local experts... even if they don't think like you!