Bravo and thank you Mark for this outstanding book. It is perfect timing. I think the book also can bridge the mainstream farmers with the fringe producers.
Among the many dark issues we face in these times; GMO alfalfa, crumbling Farm Bill, Fracking etc. - I hope this book is a beacon to many about the viable solutions we have at our fingertips. Real food, real jobs supporting
local communities.
There is much work to do. As I work and meet with folks, I am keenly aware of the areas we need to ramp up fast and hope the conversation leads us to action---> Main bottlenecks - or rather -
Opportunities include 1) Nurseries / Seed Stock 2) Graziers / Human Capital 3) Creative Financial Models for start-up capital.
The New Agrarian Movement is here and I am thrilled. Now, let's get those food savannas going!
yours truly,
Make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone. ~Buckminster Fuller