Hi Bonnie...
My equipment list includes:
flail-chopper mower
front end loader,
bucket and forks
mouldboard plow for making swales (this might not be the appropriate tool for your site... Slope & soil will determine what you need to use)
These are the essentials for the
Perennial part of the system and eventually will need to include a straddle harvester for hazelnuts and a sweeper for chestnuts.
For growing annual produce I have:
disk harrow
springtooth type cultivator
PTO powered seed broadcaster
Mechanical transplanted
Total ballpark cost of the equipment for the perennials is probably around $50,000.00.
I also have all kinds of other equipment kicking around. I'm currently looking for a bulldozer...
Keep an eye on our website
http://www.forestag.com/book.html or my
facebook page for updates on when tours and courses will be held...