I'm thinking about pruning my currant bushes now and wonder whether anyone in the UK wants to do some swaps? Probably best not abroad, especially since the mail is having computer troubles still with customs, and I'm not sure whether these are likely to get through these days.
I will have these cuttings to offer:
Black currants: Bellorussian Black, Ben Sarek, Ben Gairn
Gooseberry: Invicta
Apple: Adams Pearmain, Tom Putt
I've probably got Yacon, Jerusalem artichoke (including a dwarf form),
Also comfrey
roots (non seeding with me, but unknown variety), Babbington leek bulbils, Aronia melanocarpa rooted runners (edited to add) skirret divisions, silverweed.
I'm wanting:
Any good early raspberries,
Any good fruiting blackcurrants,
Apple: Bardsay,
Pear: Concorde, Conference, Beth (open to other suggestions - need to be early ripening, and scab resistant!),
Also see my seed list here:
Please ask if you're looking for something in particular, I might be able to help.