So after pondering upon what I've learned so far from this Permies forum and Paul Wheaton and others vidoes with Stratification Bells, as well as my previous experiments with cinder blocks, I came up with this design for a
Greenhouse l want to build. It will have a dual bell system with the secondary Bell being under raised beds with dirt on top, and the whole thing built on a trailer( with the trailer underside insulated) , minus the
RMH main burner which will not be on the trailer.
Using the principle that colder air drops and with
enough air channel volume to prevent back pressure build up, I'm theorizing that there is no need for a vertical chimmey and that we can exploit cold air stratification and dropping to create the exhaust flow. Also, cold air is heavier than warmer air so gravity will aid in the air "dropping or spilling out of the system as long as the channel air volume is sufficient to not create back pressure against the air movement.
One other thing not depicted in my crude diagram below is the idea that the entire
greenhouse and
RMH will also be on an second adjacent trailer to the Bell trailer so that the underside of both trailers can be insulated to separate the ground geothermal heat underneath as a potential auxiliary heat souce, and also to prevent the RMH heat going into the 50 deg ground. This would allow a tropical growing enviroment Heated by the Sun as the primary heat source, and the RMH as the secondary when needed, and finally the 50 deg ground underneath as a third source which would could be used to ensure the above temp never dropped below 50 deg by simply having air vents that will naturally allow the 50 air to rise woth a natural convection is the above temp ever gets that low. Since hot air doesn't like to go down, as long as the air in the above greenhouse was above 50 deg, it wouldn't flow down the vents into the below geothermal ground source. This way the RMH and geothermal aren't working against each other.
I love the idea of using cinder blocks to make the floor under the
raised bed with muliple air flow channels to extract the remaining residual heat into the raised bed dirt. Since the blocks will be covered with at least 12"-18" of dirt air leaks would be of no concern. Perhaps proper
water drainage would be the biggest thing to plan and account for.
Anyway, open to ideas and critique, thanks!