Hello Colin
I read your post, and looked through the organizations webpage.
It is stated you are looking for someone doing a training of trainers. Having worked with Farmer Field Schools (FFS in short), some thoughts:
Farmer Field schols are a participatory method, where training of trainers require a lot of time and resources. Sending someone who does not know what it is does not bring the intended effect. Furthermore, FFS programmes need a minimum of 3 seasons to be implemented. Below I linked a guidance document on FFS
permaculture courses, it would be important to have someone who knows the context. Of course the ecological principles are the same, but the techniques differ, reason why
Bill Mollison has chapters on each climate in his manual. FFS are better adapted if no "extension package" is provided, and as the conditions seem to be changing a lot.
I have a question about the organization: It is stated
Fear of God: I CAN South Sudan seek to be a God fearing and respecting organization.
As well as that they strive for diverse, among else religious, diversity. Is it only working with christianism, judaism, and islam?
Furthermore, I cannot find financial statements for the organisations: A long text in which they list when they give 3 kg of rice to a person in need, but how is it financed? What part of the money goes to salaries, what to transport, what to handouts?
Here one of the best quidance document on FFS I have found so far. Don't hesitate to ask if you want more resources