posted 1 year ago
I was putting together a new Eye Hoe I got, and trying to figure out where the bevel ought to be. I know I ought to know, but I don't.
Specifically I have a couple Seymour heads (Grubbing, and American Pattern), also a Red Rooster Tools Planters Hoe.
There is no clear indication to me of a bevel from the factory.
If I do it the wrong way, work will be less efficient and soil will accumulate more on the blade, right?
The bevel side is where the blade will pull toward, yeah? So I probably ought to have the bevel on the INSIDE of the hoe?
Perhaps someone knows what will work best?
Also, if anyone wants to wax poetically or pragmatically about Hoes they have loved, this might be a good place to start?
Trying to Listen to the land.