I am so discouraged today. My husband has been disposing of his toxic waste... Grout/cement, oil paint/mineral spirits from cleaning, latex paint cleaning
water etc in the area I was building my hugelkulture..... Y!?!?!
He just doesn't think about these things. He doesn't think about toxicity... Or how much work it is for me to build up a bed.... Or whether or not we want those things I n our
I suggested that he ask me first before disposing of chemicals. Surely the dump has a system for this, I know this is a no no but even putting it in the sewer has got to be better than the garden!! At least they treat and process it.
I feel like all m efforts are for nothing. I tried to appeal to his 'green lawn' desire by telling him that these things will cause dead spots in our yard, that nothing will grow. We will have splotchy uneven junkyard yard.
How do you dispose of your waste? And how can I clean up what he has done?