My daughter's pet rabbit took a sudden turn this morning, we have many
rabbits out on pasture, and of corse the one that is my 6 year old's personal favorite and just a love bug is the one to take ill
he has head tilt, discharge something awful - he was fine yesterday, this is really sudden
He is not in with a group of rabbits- he is the only one showing these symptoms, I have been googling and I am not seeing a good prognosis for any of the many things that could be causing the wry neck head tilt
his eyes are goopy and shifty and buggy, the head tilt is severe, there is pus discharge all over his face, hard to say where it is even oozing from
he is not really moving much at all, and again yesterday he was his sweet self
any one have 2 cents or faith that there is something that can be done?
I am thinking I may have to put him down - from what I am reading
online there are various causes, but none have great prognosis anyway