I've been building soil quickly in my location and have found a couple things that work well. First off trees and shrubs will not like to be settled in a location where their above-ground bark is below mulch level. Some species like paw paws seem to love it but by and large most want to breathe unrestrained. Many herbs are a little more forgiving and can adapt as they spread.
I have put down
cardboard over planting beds which I cut X's into and plant out. I've also just pushed back the mulch and have have similar results. If you anticipate a dry and windy spring you might want the cardboard down where soil would otherwise be bare between mulch and plant.
-If you're using leaves build soil consider grinding them down or you will have sheets of un-decomposed layers. I have some patches that haven't rotted in three seasons. running a
lawn mower over a pile does the trick.
- I've had the most success creating
hugelkultur mounds that i plant directly into. Is there a way to work the earth a bit that would also improve
water access and encourage surrounding soil building? A
swale or mound gets polycultures in deeper soil and buys you time to build the soil around it.