I just ordered a bunch of
perennial vegetables and fruit trees/bushes/vines. Without pre-planning, of
course! So now I'm trying to get a rough plan so I can make sure the soil and necessary structures are ready- well, hopefully the only structure I'll need to build will be a decorative pergola I want to build for the hardy kiwi. So I'm trying to figure out what existing trees/structures to grow a few other vining plants on.
1. Hog peanut. It's an understory plant right, and not tear-down-a-tree vigorous, so could I plant it next to and encourage it up an existing tree? I have an
apple tree on the edge of a group of oaks that leans at a 45 degree angle (I have no idea why- it was that way when we moved in 3 years ago... but it's my best
apple tree, so the lean must not bother it), would that be a good option or is this a vine that might pull it down since it's already leaning?
Groundnut. Could I grow this on a tree as well? All it says in "Perennial Vegetables" is grow it near a shrub or tree to climb or give it lots of room to spread. I have plenty of
trees, most of which I wouldn't loose sleep over loosing
should a groundnut pull it down. I should see if it's juglone tolerant, I have a black walnut tree that would be perfect. It also likes acid, I have a lot of evergreens... OR I could plant it as part of the groundcover (along with pumpkins) for my 3 sisters garden, but would it climb the corn and compete with my pole beans?
3. Egyptian walking onion- should I plant these in my annual garden, where the soil will be looser, or in a grouping with other perennial vegetables?
Those are really the only ones I'm not sure of... so I guess out of all the stuff I ordered (a lot... hardy kiwi, fig, dwarf cherry, paw paw, serviceberry, autumn olive, apple, beach plum,
pea shrub, goumi, french sorrel, wild leeks, good king henry, sea kale, lovage, sunchokes, false indigo, and chickory, along with my annual vegetable seeds) I'm not doing to bad if I am only unsure about where to put 3 of them.