Who ever can help me understand for sure...
Heenan Doherty wrote:laser graded to be much flatter than that such that flooded fields have water standing for often too long,
So keyline flood-flow irrigation is designed to flood landscapes at gradients of 1:300 to 1:400
Do I understand the gradient?
1:300, I write it 1/300 or 0,3% and that is very flat.
So this delivers water very slowly.
12" is about 300litres of water per m2 per year.
of what is this size of 12"?
As I have been saying for many years now, if you took a 44 gallon drum (200 litres) and set it up with a drip system for the growing season in most places then it would be green the whole time. That is the gift of plastic pipe! ... use pressure compensating 'on-line' 1 gallon per hour drippers or less
A drum for what surface and what rate of delivery?
44 gallon is 44 hours of dripping isn't it?
and you'll not need much head pressure (try about 12' minimum)
Again, of what is this size please?
Sorry in case part of my questions come from some equipment and sizes that are familiar or not according to the country...