We have recently got ducks - 4 khaki campbell hens, adding 1 drake soon, and are planning to get a trio of Brecon Buff geese as well as a number of
chickens in the next few months. At the moment the ducks are still scardy-ducks and dont leave their house much, they have a big house and a large static run, which we will expand. The plan is to make a completely fox-proof
fence, and therefore presumably cat-proof as well but I am not sure. I plan to let the geese free range (over about 5 acres) during the day and keep them in the run at night, the ducks to live mostly in the run with outings to the garden and pasture, and the
chickens probably to stay in the run. I would love to let them all free range but we have really bad problems with foxes and they will just get eaten, even during the day. We dont currently have a cat but we will be getting one (need one to keep rodents in check).
My concern is how the cat will treat the birds. I presume a fox-proof
fence would be cat proof as well, but am I being naive? And what about when they are out and about - will a domestic cat stalk and kill poultry? Thanks for any thoughts on the matter!