Most of the geese I had anything to do with as a youngster were rather nasty pieces of work, and nearly put me off geese entirely. I've had a few since then and they've been really good around people, even children. They can be a bit nasty to other poultry though.
We also have a load of Muscovies. I first encountered them in Wales, so they do have them there. My neighbour was forever singing their praises and now I have my own I fully agree with her. The males are a bit dumb (I'm sure their brains leak out through their skulls to make the wattles) and they have sharp claws so you have to be careful if you try to pick them up. But they are good grazers, good bug-catchers, the females make really sweet singing noises, and they are pretty tame - ours let you pick them up. When we have children visiting us, they get picked and thrown into the
pond, which both the children and the ducks seem to thoroughly enjoy.
Here - have some gratuitously cute photos of my son playing with them...