Burra Maluca

out to pasture
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since Apr 03, 2010
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Burra is a hermit and a dreamer. Also autistic, and terribly burned out. I live near the bottom of a mountain in Portugal with my partner, my welsh sheepdog, and with my son living close by. I spend my days trying to find the best way to spend my spoons and wishing I had more energy to spend in the garden.
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Recent posts by Burra Maluca

There is an elderly disabled man who lives near us who uses a trike.

He's in his late seventies, has lost the feeling in his feet due to diabetes so his feet regularly slip off the pedals, and he's missing an arm so it's very difficult to balance on a two-wheeled bike. He also lives up a very rough, steep track and no longer has a driver's licence due to his disabilities.

We help him maintain the trike, for any jobs that need two hands, and also helped modify it so that all the controls can be operated with one hand. We added an extra battery to it to extend his range and he's become quite a local celebrity. It's certainly helped him maintain his independence!
23 minutes ago
I stumbled on this recently, which seems to fit in this thread...

1 day ago
Sunset from the 'new' place.

I think my son modified a little, but not the sunset bit... ;)
3 days ago

Rosa Mio Gardino wrote:To crack my peach pits open I’ve used a vice as my grip/crush strength is not enough.

I'm on 'team vice' for cracking pits, too. Not only stronger, but also gives you more control so you don't accidentally smoosh the seed by being over-enthusiastic.

I recently bust the pits out of all eight of the first year's crop of red vineyard peaches from a seed-grown peach tree we've been growing for about three years. I was astonished by how thick the shells were - no wonder I'd failed to open them with a pair of pliers!

I've planted them out but nothing growing yet.
4 days ago

Austin Shackles wrote:Per the "tadpole" thing, My father and I used to make the Newton tricycle which was that format.  

Here's Himself moving an armchair on a cargo version of one of the Newtons they built.

4 days ago
A few of these would take care of most of the monitoring for you...
6 days ago

Timothy Norton wrote:I'd be curious to see what the pellet does when exposed to water. It doesn't look like wool, but I wonder if it plumps up? Maybe they shred the wool somehow and bind it together?

I found this video, which shows that you sprinkle them around and then they expand to form a mat which the slugs don't like to crawl over.

6 days ago
Or for something a bit more structured and progressive, complete with badges if you meet the requirements, you could try working towards the PEP rocket badge
1 week ago
Some people here are dyslexic, or have visual impairments.

Messing about unnecessarily with the font sizes or colours can make things very difficult for them to read.
Maybe this one...
1 week ago