video to andres, andres will whip it up into something for my youtube channel. We are trying for 2 minute long videos. For every minute of your video we use, we will pay $50. So if you supply video that fills a full two minutes, that's $100.
So if you are in the
bootcamp and you supply video that fills three videos per week, it might take about four minutes to get that video to andres and it would have a payoff of $300.
some recent examples
a few ideas on what a boot might make a quick video for
wooden utensils /
wood spoons
wood burned signage
kindling crackers
Building a rock jack
cob as the natural builder's duct tape
roundwood timber framing in the solarium
using rmh in the solarium
pump house
timber tool
rolly bunks in the solarium
window quilts
cat house
roundwood quickie sawbuck
rolly shelf ballet
junk pole
fence gates (allerton abbey)
update to cob floor video Embed this video
- show finished product
- show wear and tear
- get feedback from people living with it
the willow bank door latch and flag
summary of willowonka
wood fired cat house(s)
day in the life of an rmh
how is a rmh biophillic
- fire
- bringing in wood
moving skiddable structures
- show two sticks side-by-side and measure both to have the same moisture.
- then put them through different tests to see what works better
- note that our climate is pretty dry with little wind
- laid on it’s side vs. vertically
- cut into smaller pieces
- indoors vs. outdoors
- outside, uncovered, but exposed to the wind vs. covered structure
- all the sticks aligned stack vs. criss-cross stacking
- tarping techniques
a cold night in the new love shack
exploration of the cottage rocket
using the testo meter
allerton abbey door
- History of the making based on permies threads and clips of it’s
- largeness being opened and closed. Probably needs a latch prior to filming
the log arch - demo and history
dishwashing rocket
water heater
the door latch designs on willow bank and the showers
the showers converted from 4 showers to 3
solar food dehydrator
- general design (mention of build video for sale)
- the racks - and how there can be more
- the latch - it needs improvement
- demo
the couch balcony
- the build video
- joinery
- the relationship with the
rocket mass heater
- 6 tables instead of 5
rock jacks, new beefier design
felling a tree with the timber tool
how easy is it to peel a tree in february vs march vs april vs may
the timber structure inside allerton abbey
the issues with too much dirt on allerton abbey
willow feeder design
haybox cooker: demonstration of big pot holding heat vs. small pot
Seeding the top of the
berm shed
the manual baler
- maybe baling up some knapweed
Cob floors and walls that don’t dust / suffering the dust rain of 2019
gin pole (without
free shelf
a different kind of cordwood wall
- why firewood needs to be a consistant size
what is the life expectancy of a
rocket mass heater?
- probably forever
- FPH has been through five winters and going strong
- some people make weird things that they errantly call a “
rocket mass heater” and they retire them quickly
- Depends on what they are made of. The stainless barrel will last forever. Coquille RMH is going strong 25 years
how much maintenance does a
rocket mass heater require?
making trails on the berms
- Find a space that looks inaccessibls, looks like a garden, slightly wider
- laying rock on the trails
moon boxes (shark week kits for women)
A tour of fruit
trees that were started from seed
tour of newer rocket mass
our buffet of
solar ovens
our mulch pit near willow bank
a tour of willow bank
a tour of willowonka
the new cob hat designs