My homestead
land is right in the middle of free-range cattle ranches. Most of my neighbors are generational cattle raisers, with me being one of the exceptions. Raising cattle has it's pluses and minuses. If you want to look at it from a land-use point of view, it allows lots of food production on land that would be otherwise uncultivatable, ie: too steep/rocky/dry, ect for farming. In the arid West, it also helps reduce fire danger, because large amounts of dry grass are being removed.
On the negative side, there's environmental damage do to trampling, soil compaction, and damage to natural
water sources, where the cattle all crowd in to drink.
We eat meat, and are not about to give up things like beef, but we attempt to limit consumption to reasonable amounts. We don't grill big steaks, or make large roasts. We tend to favor stir-fries, with the addition of some beef, or other meats.
The neighbors down the hill from me are
Native American, and one idea I thought worth discussing is whether or not importing bison into our area would be something they would be interested in. Their status as Native Americans might give them greater pull in terms of getting live bison stock, which I assume has a high price premium attached to it. They would almost certainly want them for hunting, rather than religious activites, so that might not go well with the groups that could potentually supply livestock.