Hello all, a few newby questions here. I am working on an
apple tree guild and also an additional garden off to the side due to property boundaries, septic field etc.
How closely can I plant bad companion plants without causing issues. Such as:
-how close can I plant beans next to onions, what amount of buffer distance do I need between them.
-How close can I plant peppers next to onions/chives/garlic, what buffer distance do I need.
-marigold and beans
Do the following they have anything they can not be planted next to:
My plan is to strategically plant lupines, borage, and lemonbalm throughout the garden if possible, maybe even comfrey in some corners. And edge the garden with basil, garlic chives/ onion/marigold nasturium etc. Primarily i want to use perennials on the exterior edge, then rotate my beans, allium/onion crop, tomatoes, peppers, and zuchinni inside the garden on a yearly basis using 4-5 beds inside. Planting around and through my tree guild will be different.
I was also thinking about combining additional beans with the tomatoes and peppers for purely the nitrogren help, and then also have a dedicated bean plot.
If i have 4 beds that will rotate with Dedications to Onion, Zucchini, tomato & pepper combined, and bean. Can I still put a bean plant in the non onion beds to help with nitrogen or would it cause fungus/bacteria issues due to beans being in the same beds year after year? Would lupine be a better option.
So much to learn
Any help is appreciated, thanks.