Mike please move this post if it's in the wrong place. I thought it might be useful here.
Starting with wikiHow as a point of reference (it has some problems in it), what are the full set of steps to building the desired 8'
berm or higher?
--Paul Wheaton mentions structural engineering in a
hugelkultur or top 3 feet or so of a berm to stabilize, so it can be steeper than the 1:4 slope limit suggested by wikiHow (a huge amount of width for the height, meaning you have to move a huge amount of dirt for it and take up a considerable percentage of your acreage, plus more height angle prevents animals from getting p and eating what's on the berm and increases the season extension on a south-facing slope of the berm). What is this structural engineering? Adding lots of branches "higgledy piggledy" into the soil as you build, to hold it together. The branches
should not be touching one another too much, which would let them dry out too much. There's more about this in Paul's podcasts.
some questions:
--For the lower part of the berm that is solid soil, can the soil be sand if that's what you have?
--what do you need to watch out for in terms of timing for using a heavy excavator on your
--what safety considerations?
--compaction of what you're sitting the trackhoe on?
--how much should you compact the berm?