We homestead on 8 acres in Central Ohio. Our property is directly across the road from a large parcel of acreage that is in constant corn/soybean rotation (standard big-ag monocrop ohio farmland fare).
Last weekend the guy who "farms" that
land showed up across the way with a chemical truck and a boom sprayer and proceeded to mist his extensive field with what I assume to be potent herbicides (this is the usual pre-planting weed "knock-down.") It was a very windy day, and we were soon inundated with the chemicals on our property. It was uncomfortable to breathe, like someone had a Roundup-soaked rag pressed against your face. We stayed inside for the rest of the day, and you could still smell it strongly some six hours later.
Fast forward a week, and a number of our fruit
trees and bushes are looking awful. Black spots and dead black curled up leaves on several of our young pear trees. One half of our flowering quince bush (the side that faces his field) looks like it was set on fire... not a leaf on it. The other side is fine. The pears/quinces seem to have taken it the worst, but I'm seeing spots on other species, and even the leaves on our three huge maples in the front
yard are looking wilted and curled. Two neighbors are having the same issues (with various pears and oaks). There is no doubt in my mind as to what happened.
I'm going to head over to his place and talk to him about it tonight, and I've got a few calls in with the Dept. of Agriculture. I want to handle it in a friendly/neighborly way first, but I need to make it clear that this cannot happen again. We have invested huge amounts of time and resources in our property that will all be for naught if someone else is allowed to come along and blanket it with broadleaf herbicides one or more times a year.
I'm posting to see if anybody here has dealt with similar issues, and if/how they resolved them. Any insights? Are there species we
should be considering to act as a sacrificial windbreak along the property line to better protect the rest of the property? I'm at a loss here.