My name is Vencel and I study at an organic agriculture school in Denmark, and currently I am searching for places where I could do my farming apprenticeship.
3 years ago I became aware of the ecological and societal challenges we are facing and after some thinking the only way forward I see is becoming a part of, and putting my work in a community effort that tries to develop resilience and a new culture for the future. Now with these farm internships at my school, I want to use this opportunity to explore and discover places that have a similar goal in mind.
So what I am looking for are agriculture focused community projects where I could come to have an apprenitceship. I have quite some
experience in agriculture already. I spent a year in a German ecovillage mainly working with
cattle and vegetables alongside with assisting mentally disabled and traumatized children. I attached a cv with more info. I am mainly looking for places in Europe, but I am open to any suggestions!
Feel free to contact me!
Best wishes, Vencel