Hi there Gioia and Mar!
The best
answer to my location I can give is 37.856682, -82.929612.
The lake property owned by the state is thousands of acres! The wooded mountain forest I'm working on is close to 50 acres, 80 acres if you include my parents property with two houses, a woodworking shop,
hay field and pasture for horses.
I'm experimenting with cordwood and
cob structures for now, so, it's rather primitive. I use internet and
shower in my parents house. So, I haven't weaned myself totally from their infrastructure. By this winter, I'll have a
rocket stove and a small
solar panel for charging a cell phone or tablet.
I'll make an update when I figure out posting pictures on here. I'm 30, and I have a dog named Fred. We have a glorious time! I'll post some plans once I figure pictures out!