I found these eggs on my turnip plants this evening. Was just wondering if they belong to a beneficial insect or something harmful to the garden. If they are beneficial I will leave them, if they are harmful they will be chicken food.
Edit- I can't get the pics to upload. The eggs are small clusters that look just like all white slightly fuzzy ladybug eggs. Maybe just a tiny bit larger. I found ants on one cluster that seemed to be tending them.
John, without a photo I'm totally guessing, but have a look at 'cabbage moth' eggs. They like turnips...
I've come to a certain equilibrium with these guys and find there's a massive population-explosion of parasitic wasps in a really bad 'cabbage butterfly' year.
Or something else entirely!
Try uploading again?
I tried uploading again. Technology hates me. That's why i like plants.
I looked up cabbage moth eggs, that's not it. These were totally white and laid almost in a clump on top of each other, not in a neat cluster.
I almost hated to do it since i wasn't sure, but they did become chicken snacks.
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