engaging conversations
sharing stories
sweet embrace
souls remember
complete presence
kindred flames
joy and laughter
enjoying living foods
vibrant with pure life force
healthy and healthful lifestyle
committed devotion
loving, spiritual rituals
common friendships
positive family
living in community
earth-based spirituality
organic harvesting
active playfulness
flowing generosity
steeped in music,
art, and culture
absolute trust
compassionate, honest communication
deepening intimacy
reflections of our light
drumming and dancing
honoring the earth
surrounded by clean air
using clean spring
basking in sunshiny radiance
sacred partnership
loving affection
tantric bliss
beauty as one
attachment parenting
healthy, positive family
living out our values to the fullest extent
If you connect with what you read here, please feel free to contact me privately.
30 year-old
permaculture enthusiast, raw-foodist, music teacher in Montclair, NJ