Thank you Mr. Savory. for taking the time to reply. I apologize if I am speaking without knowledge. I have been reading your other posts and have watched your TEDtalk. I thought I understood what you were talking about, but then you said some things that blew my mind, and I knew I must not have the whole picture yet.
I did go to the Savory Institute site to try to find the newsletters you talked about in another post, but I didn't see where to sign up for it. I have also been in touch with someone from the Savory Institute that is looking to have a
workshop here in Kentucky, but we haven't talked about the basics of your system yet.
I have read Ann Adams' book "At Home with Holistic Management," but maybe I still don't understand what holistic management or the holistic context means. I have seen you mentioning this to others also, but I haven't found the post yet where you talk about exactly what it is.
You floored me when I was looking through your posts today, and I saw that mob grazing/rotational grazing/management intensive grazing and "holistic management planned grazing" are not interchangeable. I have been so confused. This whole time, I thought you came up with those others as well or that they were actually all one and the same.
When I was on the Savory Institute site I got overwhelmed and couldn't tell where to start. What is step 1? Do I need to buy the big green textbook first?
Even though I am currently taking my 2nd
Permaculture Design Course, I have a lot to learn. I was very surprised when you said plants do not invade or compete, because it sure feels/looks like they do. I do understand what you said though, that they are just growing where the ideal conditions have been provided. What also surprises me, though, is that the main spots where the hemlock is growing are spots that were disturbed not too long ago (i.e. where a ridge was leveled for a house site, they are growing in the mounds of soil that were left behind). In one particular spot on a hillside I can see a large animal burrow, and the soil is so loose there it feels like you are walking on foam; it's very "sponge-y" feeling underfoot, and it has completely covered that whole hillside. Hemlock is also prolific on a steep hillside that was used for tobacco crops years ago, and now there is no topsoil left (or so the farmer/rancher tells me). Some of these areas don't seem like compacted soil (where taproots would need to be) but just the opposite.
Here is information I found about its germination requirements from the California Invasive Plant Council: "Poison hemlock has a large range of conditions in which it can germinate. It can germinate at temperatures greater than 9.4 C and lower than 33.8 C. It can germinate in darkness as well as in light. About 85 percent of seed produced is able to germinate as soon as it leaves the parent plant (Baskin and Baskin 1990). The remainder is dormant and requires certain environmental conditions (thought to be summer drying) in order to germinate (Baskin and Baskin 1990).
"This ensures that some seed will remain in the seedbank until the following growing season. Seed can remain viable in the soil for up to three years (Baskin and Baskin 1990). It germinates most readily in soil, but can also germinate in sand. The combination of long seed dispersal period, seed dormancy, and non-specific germination requirements enable poison hemlock seedlings to emerge in almost every month of the year (Roberts 1979). Germination takes place in all months of the year except April, May, and July, with late winter and early spring being the periods of greatest germination (Roberts 1979). Most vegetative growth occurs in winter months, with plants developing a deep taproot that is sometimes branched (Pitcher 1986)."
So, "good planned grazing" is different than management intensive grazing or rotational grazing? I did hear you mention it in your TEDtalk and show the chart that some villagers had created for their system. I could see how it would differ by working through different areas of the land at very specific/purposeful times of the year. Where else can I find information about how it differs?
I am going to forward your replies to the farmer on whose land our family lives. He is very open to your work and wants to know more about it. I am in the process of learning how to do a
permaculture design for his property, but I also have a strong feeling that somehow your system has a very important part to play in the design. I really appreciate your time and input. Thank you so much for your patience with me.