posted 7 months ago
Hmm, zone 8
Perennial runners or lima beans (lima are more heat tolerant). They die down in winter and resprout from small tubers.
Passionfruit species, maybe banana passionfruit if you wanted something really fast and aggressive. They will get damaged in a hard frost.
Dioscorea yams, Alata if you want starchy yams, or Chinese yam / aka polystacha for something easier and more frost tolerant, which has nice aerial tuber (it isn't as invasive as Bulbifera) so you don’t need to dig for a snack. they will die back in winter
Choko/chayote a perennial cucurbit with green fruits that look like the scrunched up face of a granny. Good eating vegetable i've heard. It will get damaged in a light frost
Ficus pumila- A climbing non fruiting fig that clings to walls, nice for a greening harsh areas in a lot of situations which is why I included it, but probably not suited to your fence.
star jasmine is a dark evergreen vine, with little white flowers too.
cucamelon is a vining cucurbit with little cucumber like fruits, vigorous vine not frost hardy.
Tbh I do really advise Chinese yam for a tuber crop (if it gets frosted it will grow from tubers again) or passion fruit if you want a fruit or something evergreen, and the choko for a perennial green vegetable if the fence is protected from frost. The rest are mostly just bonus options for you.