My chicks were born on 06/12. All 26 of them are happy and healthy so far, one has developed a crooked beak but is doing well for now. We plan on keeping Crookie for as long as possible. If it turns out that it can't eat I might just hand
feed it. It would only take a few months to get to slaughter weight and I'm willing to put in a little extra effort for one bird. And if it turns out to be a girl I'm sure there is some bleeding heart vegan in the
city I can dump this poor bird on. I know a few that would jump at the chance to save a
chicken.. and if they don't.. well then.. are they truly vegan? lol.. sorry to any vegans I'm pissing off here.
My ducks were born on 06/24. 6 of them arrived here but we lost one the first day. The remaining 5 are vigorous and cute as all get out.
So I've had the ducks right next to the chicks in their own tote in paper with sawdust under it so they don't eat the sawdust. They are on sawdust today for the first time. And I want to make the move so that the chicks and ducklings are all together. How
should I do this? Should I put them in there at night? I don't think the chicks are on a nightly sleep schedule really because they are under a light all the time.
Also.. do I really need the heat lamps? It's plenty warm during the day now ranging from 75-80, and 50's at night (Northern MN). And they will huddle for warmth at night right? I'm leaving it on just because I've never had birds and don't want to kill them. So I'm following all the conventional chick wisdom, plus adding some
permaculture things, like I've been giving them fresh greens/grass/chunks of sod almost every day.
When should they have their first adventure outside? I have the base of my broiler pen all ready to go. I was thinking of sticking the chicks out in that for a few hours during the day when I can watch them. They are still too small for the electric
fence. but I am planing on putting the broiler run in side the electric
fence for added protection.. Mostly from dogs at this point. Even my dog was licking her lips watching them today.
So.. In short.
When to go on grass?
When/How to introduce ducklings to the chicks?
Heat Lamps? Need them or not?
Anything it sounds like I'm doing wrong here?